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new facebook message!

from: londin parker

go on a date with me

from: luca williams

no way

from: londin parker

yes way

from: luca williams

1. i don't go out with desperate guys, 2. i don't even know you, 3. you're too pedophilic and douchey and 4. you don't like the vamps

from: londin parker

you really do like the word pedophilic. any other smart words in your brain?

from: luca williams

you are a terrible flirter. and yes: intelligent, quick witted, brainy

from: londin parker

i wasn't flirting. oh and i'm rofling so much that i now have abs.

...jks i already do

from: luca williams

who even says 'rofling' these days? what is it, 2005?

conceited much?

from: londin parker

ha ha hardy ha

conceited is not the word, my dear, 'amazingly hot' is

go on a date with me

from: luca williams

or what

btw, that's two words

from: londin parker

or i'll tell the whole school you licked my ass.


from: luca williams

but i didn't

from: londin parker

oh you'd be surprised what the dimwitted school population actually believe

from: luca williams

fine. on one condition. i get to try and make you like the vamps

from: londin parker

i'm only agreeing to this 'condition' bc i know it's futile


things may seem like they're going fast but thats the point cos he's desperate so yeah

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