Chapter 5

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Karylle woke up at 5:30 in the morning, because today is the day where she will visit the site in Laguna that Mr. Viceral told her to build his subdivision.. She did her usual routine and prepared herself to travel.

K is driving alone since Anne can't accompany her because of some emergency happened in their building project.. So Karylle won't lose in tracking the place, Anne gave her the direction where exactly the site is located. She's listening and at the same time singing along with the music to lessen her boredom while driving.


But on the other hand, Vice is still asleep... He just attended a party last night so he got home late and drunk.. But his sleep was disrupted when someone knocked on the door of his room and started to shout...

-Tok! Tok! Tok!

"KUUUYYAAA!!!!" A loud voice ringing the whole room.

"What the..!!! Anne!! Did you just swallow a siren!!" He complained while covering his ears with his hands.

But Anne continued as if she didn't hear him ranting. "Kuya! Do you know what time is it?" While shoving his arm.

"I don't know and I don't care!! I want to sleep, so get out of my room!" Removing Anne's hands on his arm.

"Pero kuya! You have a schedule to visit the site in Laguna today!! So get up now!"

"Urgh! Anne, i'll just visit it later.. Let me sleep first!!" He tossed his body to the side, away from his sister.

"You can't! The engineer will be there anytime soon."

Vice remained silent and did not mind Anne's alarming voice.

Anne started to get irritated. So she hopped on the bed and jumped on it. "Kuya ano ba! Dad will get mad! He appointed you in-charge on this project, so do your job!"

Vice had no choice but to follow her or she will not stop. "Fine! Fine! Stop it already! I'll just take a bath." While he is sitting lazily.

"Ok! Just don't take too long! You really need to be their as soon as possible. So hurry up!" Anne said while clapping her hand.

Vice just rolled his eyes.. He is so annoyed on how Anne wake him up and add the headache that he has right now because of hangover. He took a quick shower and dressed up. After his preparation, he went down to the living room and saw Anne preparing to go somewhere..

"Hey! Lets go!" Walking to the door.

"Hmm. I'm not going with you." She replied while putting some documents on her bag.

Vice halted. "Wait! What? Aren't you gonna help me in this project?"

"Nope! I have my own job.. And I need to go cause I have a meeting to attend."

"Wait!! Tsk! You disturb me in my sleep and you're not coming? So unfair!!" Stamping his feet.

Anne faced her brother and raised her eyebrow. "Kuya, can i ask you something?... Who is the youngest among the two of us?"

Vice frowned on Anne's question.

"As far as i remember it was me!! So stop acting like you are a spoiled brat baby.. And start to do what you need to do.." Anne said while walking out their door. 

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