Nikei Yomiuri X Reader

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(Epic Flashback)

You entered Hopes peak as the Ultimate Baker and you sat by a fountain drawing a Cake on your Drawing tablet

"May i Take your Interview?" A shadow hovered over you. You looked up to reveal a Man around your age holding a pen and paper.

"O-oh um sure!" You smiled. You were abit shy around new people.

"Name and Talent?" The boy asked.

"Y/n L/n And im the Ultimate Baker!" You said.

"Hmmm Interesting... Im Nikei Yomiuri and im going to be your future husba--"

(Error 101)

"Hmmm Interesting... Im Nikei Yomiuri! Ultimate Journalist." He gave a bright smile.

"Oh! I heard that name! I read your articles and they are Interesting!!" Your eyes sparked in excitement.

Nikei Chuckled. "I see im pretty famous huh." He moved his hair dramatically.

Ever since you met you became an extremely close friend... You shared Food if he did not have any pretty much ordinary friendship is magic crap.

Nikei was always there for you. You even thought him how to bake cookies.... Even tho he nearly burnt the whole kitchen.

Talk by day.. text by night...

It was near graduation. And everyone was gonna go and keep up with their career.

Everyone was decorating the area. With you making the food and Nikei preparing some speeches or something idk.

You noticed he was abit off from the final days of graduation. You tried asking him about it but...

"Y/n its nothing. Mikado just got on my nerves lately." Nikei smiled abit.


You wrote a love letter for Nikei cause you developed feelings for him over the months.

Graduation day came...

You smiled In joy cause not only you graduated from hopes peak. You were gonna confess to your Best friend.

After the graduation you went looking for nikei.

"Hey Iroha! Have you seen nikei?" You asked.

"N-no. Maybe Emma knows." The two of you went to Emma.

"Nikei? I remember he told me that he's going to the Airport." Emma said.

Your heart sank.

"Air..port?" Your voice became shakey.

"Well yeah. Since hes a Journalist he had to move to another country because of that." You had enough of this shit and ran streight to the airport with tears in your eyes.

"Nikei?? Nikei!!?" You looked around." You tried telling Emma which flight he was going on.

You realized that flight already took off about a minute ago.

You fell to your knees crying.
You lost your best friend... Your love of your life..

You wish he would say goodbye to you first. But that never happened

(End of Flashback)

Its Been 4 years ever since he left you.

You suffered extreme depression. (me)

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