Cheater Nikei X Suicidal Heartbroken Reader

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Some of you: I thought were having a shinji!!!!

Me: I had my mind fucked with nikei stories im sorry.

Warning: Angst

I had this idea for awhile now, and it makes me feel despair lol.

(Your Pov)

It has been 5 months since we were dating.. but he hasent returned my calls in a month now.

Also, Nikei has been Ignoring me too.
He hasn't given me a look or a "hello" when we meet at school. I feel invisable.

It makes me feel sad and depressed...

The next day of school came Nikei never spoke a word to me at school. Whispers can be heard when u arrived.

"Did he really ditch her for Setsuka?" They left me confused. But Ignored it for now.

During lunchtime Nikei always sat by you and talk about his articles... But it no longer Happened. Sometimes he forgot his lunch so i always gave him an extra bento.

Finally Dismissal came. Just before Nikei left i stopped him.

"What do you want?" He rolled his eyes abit. He never does that to me he was always talkative....

"Why weren't you texting me?" I asked.

" I was stressed ok? Now move im having a Journalism club meeting soon." He pushed me aside
(My heart hurts writing this)

"Journalism club..? I thought meetings cancelled today..." I thought to myself.

I followed Nikei to The club room.... I looked inside Finding him.... Making out with Setsuka....

My heart sank in sadness...

"N-nikei....?" I choked out.

"Y-y-y/n!! When did you get here!" Setsuka exclamined..

Both of them looked at me in shock and Guilt. While i stood there tearing up like i seen a ghost.

"So...i see... You rather cheat on me then... Why weren't you honest...? You should've said that your Unhappy with me...." I said with tears streaming down.

Both of them looked at me in sadness and extreme guilt.

"Y-y/n i-" Nikei tried reaching his hand, but i slapped it away.

"Aren't your happy now?!! Your with you new girlfriend!! I gave you love and affection and this is what i get!?" I snapped.

Both of them looked with utter shock.

I bolted out of the room crying and running back to my home..

"Stupid...why didn't i knew sooner..." I cried in my sleep.

For the next few days I haven't arrived to school. I get several messenges from my classmates if im ok....

He broke my heart how is that ok...

I dont feel like living anymore...

(No one's Pov)

The very next day. You brought a small flower vase with your favourite flower.

(aka flower in a vase on a student means no good-)

You kept it in the bag. Not bothering to talk to anyone....

Nikei also tries avoiding you but you swear you saw guilty looks when he looked at you.

Finally... Dismissal.... You left first and hid in a bathroom so that people will think you went home...

"Y/n..? You there.....?" The voice of Nikei rang in the halls. You kept quiet. As the voice faded away you ran back in your classroom and placed the flower vase on the table along with a Suicide note

And you ran up the staircase removing your shoes and placing them on the stairs.

And finally reached the roof... You looked at the sky.. and looked down. That would definitely kill ya. You stood at the edge and not taking any chances you fell off. You saw 3 figures running to your direction before hitting the ground in a pool of blood

*9 Minutes ago*
Iroha came back to school cause she left something behind. As she reached to the classroom she saw the flower vase on your desk.

"Hey! Iroha have you seen y/n? And what are you looking at?" Nikei came towards Iroha and noticed the flower.

Iroha's face paled..."oh no...."

"W-what....?" Nikei said with anxiety.

"If a flower is on a student's Table. That means someone wants them dead" Iroha said.

"W-who would want her dead??" Nikei said in disbelief.

"Actually..." Emma came in the room.

"I saw that flower vase in her bag during lunch.... She probably put it there..." Emma said.

"N-no...why would she...." Nikei said in shock.

"H-hey i found a letter!" Iroha pointed.

Emma Read it and her face went pale....

"What did it say?" Iroha said.

"....." Emma stayed silent.

"Jesus Emma what does it say!!" Nikei Said.

"Its... A suicide letter from Y/n.." Emma Shakily said.

Suddenly They saw a figure falling past the window Infront of them.

"Ekk!!!" Iroha Squeaked.

All Three of them ran to the back at the school just in time to witness your body hit the ground spilling your blood everywhere.

Nikei even felt some on his feet and cheak..

"" Nikei screamed in grief and sadness.

"Im sorry y-y-y/n.. i was so blind.. dont leave me. Please!!! Come back!!!" Nikei  wailed. With tears streaming down his face. He held your mangled up body getting blood all over him and still crying like alittle bitch. He blamed himself for everything... He regretted his choices. He still loved you...

Even at your funeral Nikei cried for hours feeling dead inside. (Welcome to the "im dead inside club" nikei!)

Its been afew days after your funeral. Nikei sat on his desk emotionlessly staring on the wall almost looking like Mikako. (Cause of the eyebags.) Ever since you died. Nikei never smiled since.... Setsuka approached him with a Bento..

"Come on Nikei you haven't eaten in days!" Setsuka exclamined.

"........not hungry....." Nikei Manages to mutter out....

Setsuka Sighed..."Fine Nikei... Ill just leave this here." She placed the bento on his desk. Nikei was just looking outward in the window...

After setsuka left. Nikei Blankly stared at the bento.

"Y/n....." He remembered all the times his love cooked for him when he forgot his food.. he remembered all the good times. Talking to you about his interest... Laughing together...

Nikei covered his face with his palms and cried.

"I miss you y/n.... Please come back..." He whispered...

He swore he heard the faintest

"Gomen.. Daisuki Da yo..."

(*dances Fortnite dance while crying*

Tbh it remided me of this song

Japanese ver

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