part 2 of Child birth

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Finally after Series of Writers block, Depression, Anxiety, Arguments, Confiscated phones, no motivation A new chaper happened

The last and Best boi (in my opinion)


-Nikei was Writing his shitty news probably about a gay wizard.

-"AHHHHH!" Nikei heard a Scream. Your Scream.

-he ran to you.

-"M-My water broke!!" You screamed as your. Groin was dripping.

-Nikei Freaked out and called the entire void to help take you to the hospital.

-He sat there in your room holding you hand as you were screeching like hell when you gave birth.

-"It hurts it hurt it hurt it hurts!!!!!" You screamed.

-"My love its ok breath!!"

-After hours of Pain you finally gave birth.

- You Gave bith to a little baby boy.

- Shuuya Yomiuri. Your Eye color and your hair color but its hair style is like Nikeis

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