Hoseok watched the two and thought they looked absolutely adorable. Jimin's eyes were almost closed while he smiled at Jungkook enjoying the noodles he was given.

"Jiminie is a good friend.. unlike some people I may or may not know," Jungkook averted his eyes as he sipped on his water.

"Yah, you brat. I let you try my lunches at work all the time!"

"Dunno what you're talking about. Jiminie," Jungkook placed a hand on the man's shoulder, "he's finally gone insane."

"Wh-Why, I ought'a—"

"Calm down, hyung," Jimin giggled. Hoseok shook his head as Jungkook smirked. They both enjoyed the tinkle of laughter that sounded.

"Hyung, what did you think of my friends?" Jungkook asked after a couple moments of comfortable silence at their booth.

"They were.. nice."

"Real talk," Jimin narrowed his eyes. Hoseok smiled sheepishly. "Okay, well.. they were hot. Every single one of them." Jimin couldn't help but highly agree in his mind. Especially Yoongi popped into his head.

"I know, right?"

"Wait, if you think they're hot too, how do you only stick to Namjoon?" Hoseok asked curiously. "You're never tempted?"

That's when Jungkook knew he had a problem. Hoseok thought he was with Namjoon, but Jimin had seen him with Taehyung. What to do..

"Namjoon?? I thought you were with Taehyung?" Jimin furrowed his brows.

"I told you we-we weren't exclusive," Jungkook could feel himself heating up and tried to stop his stutter the best he could.

"I thought you were dating Namjoon?" Hoseok questioned.

"None of us are exclusive," Jungkook said nervously. They weren't supposed to find out like this—

"Does that mean I could hook up with Taehyung?" Hoseok's eyes brightened. "He's into that?"

"N-No, ah, Taehyungie only tops, hyung," Jungkook managed to breathe out. Stutter almost gone, Jungkook. Almost. Good job. But Jungkook couldn't help but notice that the two men didn't bring up that Jungkook "wasn't exclusive" with two men he lived with. They had nothing to say about it?

"I go both ways," Hoseok winked at the two males across from him. "Over and under."

"Oh," Jungkook said, out of his stupor because of the revelation, his mind getting distracted. "I always thought you topped."

"I did too, actually," Jimin joined in.

"Depends. And with that face, I'd let him do whatever he wanted to me." Jungkook gulped at his hyung's words. So Hoseok was definitely into Taehyung, and he thought the others were hot.

"What about you, Jimin?" Jungkook looked over at said male, changing the subject for more information. His heart rate was officially calming from his previous panic.

"You know I'm a switch too.." Jimin's face tinged pinkish.

"Jiminie," Jungkook internally facepalmed and shook his head. "I meant what did you think about the guys."

"Oh, they were, uh, nice looking," Jimin looked at the table, trying not to think of Yoongi whispering in his ear, Yoongi asking for his number, Yoongi simply standing in front of him.

"That's all?" Hoseok frowned and mocked his small friend. "Real talk."

Jimin glared playfully at his hyung. "Fine, I agree, they're hot." Jungkook hid his smile the best he could. They were both heading in a good direction.

"Jimin, you have a friend that Jungkook met, don't you?" Jimin nodded in response to Hoseok's question practically immediately.

"Jungkookie," Hoseok called the younger out of his La La Land look, causing him to look up expectantly. "Who is hotter; Jimin or his friend?"

Jungkook's face slowly heated up. "Uh.. isn't that question a little gay, hy-hyung?"

"Jungkook, we're literally all three gay at this table. Just answer me." Hoseok demanded, not letting Jungkook avoid the question.

"Honestly, I can't decide," Jungkook said quietly and subtly squeezed Jimin's wrist a little. "Jimin, you're very cute, but Seokjin hyung is very handsome." At those words, Jimin felt just a bit of fluttering in his stomach. He smiled, satisfied that despite him slipping out that Jungkook was hot the other day, Jungkook was also attracted to him.

"Pfft, show me a picture of Mr. Kim Seokjin again? It's been a while and Jimin still hasn't introduced us," Hoseok glared. Jimin quickly pulled up a picture he took with Seokjin and showed Hoseok.

"Oh," was all that left Hoseok's mouth once he saw the two side by side in the photo.

"Oh?" Jimin and Jungkook mocked.

"Yeah, okay. Your answer is allowed, Jungkookie," Hoseok let out a slight whistle. "Wow."


Written in June?, 2019
This actually was written a bit different but I hated it so I rewrote it :D Fun times!

Published August 3rd, 2019
I never imagined this book would get like 50 views/reads and now we're close to 1k?? Thank you! And there's even tens of votes- who knew? Don't hesitate to leave comments or votes if you like the chapters, any scenes, etc.! 🤓
And I still cannot guarantee fast updates, but I'm trying my best to write when I can. These past few months of my life have been the best I've ever experienced and I think it's still only going up from here. (: Hope you all have a wonderful day/night. 💕

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