Chapter 7

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          I do not own Naruto

        Ready for an attack I waited for Zabuza’s first move, I wasn’t prepared for him to start laughing. “Look the boy is terrified, shaking in fear I’ll enjoy killing you.”

          Sasuke met Zabuza’s eyes smirking, “I’m shaking in excitement.” He launched forward and destroyed all the clones, before landing right where he started.

          “Sasuke Uchiha, top student at the academy, Sakura Haruno smartest kunoichi, Arashi Aisu best control of chakra I’ve ever seen, and finally Naruto Uzumaki number one knuckle headed ninja.” Uncle said proudly.

          “Aisu…impossible they died.” They boy, Haku mumbled I turned my attention to him. “How do you know about the Aisu Clan?” I growled.

          “My clan is the sister clan of Aisu called Yuki,” Haku answered, “that makes you my cousin.” I felt my eyes widen. “I-I-Impossible everyone died.” I stuttered watching as the boy shook his head. “I also survived, there would be more however our village wiped us out.”

          Zabuza started chuckling, “and soon it will just be you Haku, these Leaf ninja won’t leave alive.” He charged at Uncle drawing his sword, Uncle met him with him kunai. Sasuke charged Haku kicking out at him, I followed stabbing my staff at Haku. He was dodging all me as much as possible while throwing senbon at Sasuke.

          Stopping to catch my breath I started my hand signs, however Haku speaking made me pause. “I don’t want to fight you Arashi, you’re the only family I have left. Stay with me and Zabuza-san.” Glaring at him I finished the hand signs, “Ice style ice beasts.” Two wolves appeared in front of me growling at Haku. “You are attacking my family, I refuse to leave them when they’ve been there for me. If that means killing the only blood relative I have then so be it.” I said sending my wolves after Haku, Sasuke threw multiple shuriken to try to trap him.

                   Dodging my wolves barely he kicked Sasuke far away, appearing next to him Haku did hand signs, “Ice style crystal ice mirrors.” Mirrors appeared surrounding Sasuke as Haku stepped into one of the mirrors, as I was about to attack the mirrors Uncle called me back.

          “Arashi, Sasuke can handle Haku I need your help.” Running over to Uncle I tried to find Zabuza, focusing my chakra into my eyes and heart I was able to see him approaching Uncle from the left I threw shuriken at him making Zabuza jump back.

          “Good job Arashi now try to distract him.” Uncle mumbled while pulling out a scroll and doing hand signs. Naruto’s voice distracted me, seeing him arrive and immediately run to help Sasuke I sighed in relief and started more hand signs. “Ice style ice spikes” solid spikes of ice shot out of the ground at Zabuza piercing his arms, legs, and sides.

          Cursing he jumped back when Uncle finished his summoning, “Earth release tracking fang technique” loud growls filled the air as the mist cleared. Uncle’s pack of dogs had Zabuza pinned to the spot, glancing over I saw Naruto and Sasuke trying to beat Haku. They were covered in senbon and my wolves were missing. Mist was covering them again as my attention went back to Zabuza, Uncle was asking him about Haku and his relation to me.

          Zabuza laughing explained that he didn’t know anything about Haku when he first found him and that he lived on the street for a year almost dead by the time Zabuza found him. Listening to Zabuza’s story I couldn’t help but feel a little sympathy for Haku, he was hated in his village for being different just like Naruto and I. ‘If I hadn’t been found when I was like Haku, I probably wouldn’t be here today.’

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