sorry i lied

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I want to.

I want to tell you that I'll be here for you.

I want to tell you that you can tell me anything.

I want to tell you that I still care.

I want to tell you that no matter what happened, I never stopped caring.

I want to even tell you that I love you. Not as a girlfriend but as a friend.

But if I did, I'd be lying.

I'd be lying.

I'm not a liar.

So don't make me one.

Don't make me the villan.

Because that would make you the hero.

And that's sure as hell a damn lie.

The way you looked at me that day.

That day I decided to break your heart.

That day I decided to "just be friends".

That day you broke my spirit.

That day you made me cry.

And in reality, you broke me just as much as I broke you.

Because when you left I cried.

I cried myself to sleep when you told me you loved me and I didn't feel the same.

And I cried when you told me to forget you said it.

"because its not true, I lied" you said.

Those eyes.

Your eyes.

I can't get them out of my fucking head man.

Its imprinted.

Like a tattoo.

Like a sharp knife carved them my skull.

They were so dark.

So black.

I remember all so clearly.

The fog will eventually come and it will soon be just a haze in my memory.

I'm looking forward to those days because I still even remember a few days later when you said,

"sorry I lied.

I do still love you."

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