the girl with the messed up face

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my friend told me about this video that she had watched once

It was about the girl with the messed up face

she couldn't see because her face was swollen and her tongue was stuck out of her mouth

she couldn't eat or talk

her brain worked normal but no one saw her like that

she's had surgery over ten times and the stitches didn't work

she was stitched together to the point where no one could even recognize her as the girl with the messed up face anymore

she became the monster to stay away from

"she'll hurt you if you get near her"

"don't touch her, you'll catch ugly-idis"

the girl with the messed up face

she wasn't stupid

actually, she was so smart that she was officially named a genius

the girl with the messed up face

cried every night for her mom,

while I was sitting on my couch laughing with my mine

the girl with the messed up face

practically lives in the hospital and has no friends,

while I'm out partying every night with mine.


the girl with the messed up face makes me wonder what life would be like for me if I grew up like that

how different would I have been?

I am so thankful for my life now

the girl with the messed up face makes me proud to have grown up like a normal girl with a normal life

when I was little I didn't have a normal life,

but it wasn't because I was "ugly" or "weird",

and I am so thankful for that

I have friends

and I have fun

I can do things without having to worry about getting surgery or stitching my face,

I don't have to worry

but I wish I knew the girl with the messed up face so I can tell her that she is beautiful

I want to be friends with the girl with the beautifully messed up face.

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