Chapter 10

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You're A Miracle Worker

"Captain on the bridge." Sulu says as Jim enters the room.

"Mister Sulu, have Doctors Marcus and McCoy landed on the planetoid yet?" Jim asks, walking up to the screen.

"Yes, sir. They're moving the torpedo into position now.".

"Good. Any activity from the Klingons?"

"Not yet. But if we're stuck here much longer, they will find us." Eleanor says from her station.

"Lieutenant Uhura, did you let Starfleet know we have Harrison in custody?" Jim asks, turning around.

"Yes, sir. No response yet." Uhura answers.

"Engineering to bridge. Hello. Captain, can you hear me?" Chekov is heard through the comm.

Jim sits down in the captains chair, "Mister Chekov, give me some good news.".

"We found the leak, sir, but the damage is substantial. We are working on it." Chekov answers, sounding nervous.

"Any idea what caused it?" Jim asks.

"Er, no, sir. But I accept full responsibility.".

"Something tells me it wasn't your fault. Stay on it." Jim says, closing the comm.

"Shuttle is standing by, Captain." Sulu informs.

"Bones, thanks for helping out. Doctor Marcus asked for the steadiest hands on the ship." Jim says, leaning back in his chair.

"You know, when I dreamt about being stuck on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman, there was no torpedo." Bones says through the comm.

"Doctor McCoy, may I remind you, you are not there to flirt." Jim says, rolling his eyes.

"So how can these legendary hands help you, Doctor Marcus?" Bones says, ignoring Jim.

Jim and Eleanor share a look, "Bones." Jim says with a sigh.

"To understand how powerful these weapons are, we need to open the warhead. To do that, we need to access the fuel compartment. Unfortunately for us, the warheads on these weapons are live." Carol says.

"Sweetheart, I once performed an emergency C-section on a pregnant Gorn. Octuplets. And let me tell you, those little bastards bite. I think I can work some magic on your missile." Bones says, attempting to flirt yet again.

Eleanor and Jim share another look, Jim sighing, shaking his head, and Eleanor rolling her eyes.

"Doctor McCoy, there's a bundle of fiber optic cables against the inner casing. You'll need to cut the twenty third wire down. Whatever you do, do not touch anything else. Do you understand?" Carol explains carefully.

"Right. The thought never crossed my mind." Bones says.

"Doctor McCoy, wait for my word. I'm rerouting the detonation processor. Are you ready?" Carol says.

"And raring.".

"Good luck." Carol says, giving him the go ahead.

"AH!" Bones yell is head over the comm.

Eleanor panicked looks down at the screens in front of her, "Sir, the torpedo just armed itself." Eleanor tells Jim, "The warhead's gonna detonate in thirty seconds." she finishes.

"What the hell happened? I can't get my arm out!" Bones yells.

"Target their signal. Beam them back right now." Jim demands.

✴TRUST✴  // Jim Kirk [2]Where stories live. Discover now