Chapter 14

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I Love You More

Eleanor runs faster then she ever has, she doesn't know exactly why Scotty's message scared her so much, but she had a very bad feeling.

They finally find Scotty, but the look on his face confirms Eleanor's fears, he just shakes his head and gestures over towards a door, Spock and Eleanor run over to it.

What Eleanor sees makes her gasp and run over to the door, getting on her knees, she looks at a very sick Jim.

"Open it." Spock demands.

"The decontamination process is not complete. You'd flood the whole compartment. The door's locked, sir." Scotty grimly replies.

Spock crouches down next to Eleanor, seeing Jim struggles to reach up and close the door behind him.

Jim looks at Eleanor first, seeing the destrot look on her face, it hurts him to see her like this, again, and now he's the cause of it. He wishes so badly she wouldn't have to grief for a second person, but as long as she's safe.

Jim then turns to Spock, "How's our ship?" he asks.

"Out of danger." Spock says, taking a moment to steady his voice, "You saved the crew.".

"You used what he wanted against him. That's a nice move." Jim says, sounding almost amused.

"It is what you would have done."

"And this, this is what you would have done. it was only logical."

Jim turns back to Eleanor, and struggles with placing his hand on the glass, she places her's over it.

"I'm so sorry Ellie." Jim breaths out.

She frantically shakes her head, tears streaming down her face.

"I love you so much, Eleanor."

"I love you more, James." she replies, trying to steady her voice, but fails.

Jim takes a deep breath, as deep as he can in his state.

"I'm scared, Spock." Jim struggled to get out, trying not to cry himself.

Hearing him say that, with her other hand, that's not on the glass, grabs onto Spock's shirt, trying desperately to not brake down... not yet.

"Help me not be.", Jim glances over at Eleanor, it hurts him so much to see the tears run down her face. "How do you choose not to feel." he says looking back at Spock

Spock shakes his head, showing more emotion then ether of them had ever seen. "Right now I am failing." he says, holding back his own tears.

"I want you to know why I couldn't let you die." Jim says, with much trouble, he's getting more and more slow with his words, "Why I went back for you.".

"Because you are my friend." Spock answers, a single tear falls.

Eleanor takes her other hand off the glass, now bold her hands are clutching Spock's shirt.

Spock places his hand over Jim's on the glass, with the volcan gesture.

Jim slowly copies him.

Jim looks at Spock first, then Eleanor, he wants to say something to her, anything, but it wont come out. 'Never did get to propose, It was supposed to be perfect.'.

Eleanor watches in horror as Jim's face starts to relax, Hand falling from the glass, pain leaving, just like she saw as a child. Just like the rest of the people she loved, he gone.

Eleanor lets go of Spock and falls back, now sitting on the floor, hands shaking, fly up to her mouth; She doesn't realize how loud her sobs are, nor does she see Uhura run over to her, falling to the floor holding her, trying desperately to comfort her.

Spock struggles to keep his own breathing, but it only gets faster. He looks over his shoulder, seeing Uhura holding Eleanor, who's cries only get louder, her cries rack her whole body.

Spock feels an anger, no, a rage like no other run through him, "KHAN!" Spock screams.

Scotty holds Eleanor as Bones begins to unzip the body bag, to reveal Jim.

Bones looks devastated and Eleanor lets out a whimper. Once Bones had taken a step back, Eleanor left Scotty's hold and walked over to Jim's body.

Placing a hand on his cheek, more tears started to form, she thought there where no more left, but was proven wrong, there where plenty more.

She lowered her head to rest on his chest, grasping on to his shirt begining to weep once more.

Everyone in the room, including Carol, looked on in sorrow.

Bones watches Eleanor cry over Jim, his heart clenches, over the four years he's known Eleanor she became somewhat of a daughter to him, so not only has he lost a friend, but seeing her in so much pain makes it hurt all the more.

He sits down next to the dead tribble he had injected with Khan's blood, head in hand he sighs in despair.

Then he hears something beside him, looking over he sees the tribble moving, breathing.

He sits up and looks at the monitor, hope fills his heart, "Get me a cryo tube, now!" he yells, startling Eleanor out of her shocked state.

"Bones?" she says, voice slightly scratchy from crying.

"Get this guy out of the cryo tube. Keep him in an induced coma." he says pointing at the cryo tube, "We're gonna put Kirk inside. It's our only chance to preserve his brain function.".

Carol gently take Eleanor away from Jim, "How much of Khan's blood is left?" she asks.

"None." he says, rushing over to a panel, "Enterprise to Spock. Spock!" he says trying to reach Spock, but getting nothing.

"Activate the cryogenic sequence." he tells Carol, "McCoy to bridge. I can't reach Spock. I need Khan alive. You get that son of a bitch back on board right now! I think he can save Kirk.".

Eleanor doesn't want to get her hope up, but she couldn't help it.

'Please, don't take him too.'

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