Date night

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I reached out my hand and held her hand. She looked up and gazed into my eyes making my heart beat grow. "Here" I said

She looked forwards. "Wow, its beautiful"

I had taken her to one of my favourite places in Sydney. "The view is amazing" she said stunned.

I sat down on the rocks and she came down next to me. It went silent for a moment as we gazed out at the habour.

"Its beautiful james" Sam said and smiled.

"So, how long have you been in Sydney for?" I asked.

"I've been here since I was 15, before I used to live in Geelong which is near Melbourne. I moved here to get away from my father, he would always abuse my mother and my two brothers. One being 18 at the time and the other only 13. He would come home every night and yell at my mother because he wanted something from her but she never gave it to him. Then one day when he was drugged we decided to leaved and move far away, my mother already planned the trip and had the tickets and accommodation planed out even before we knew we were going to leave. So now I'm in Sydney happier then ever." Sam said with a smile. "Wow sam, I'm so sorr.." She cut me off. "Please, don't be sorry. It doesn't bother me anymore" she said and looked downwards.

"So, what about you? How long you been here for?" She said.

"Well actually I don't live here. Im only here for the week because we got a free week to do whatever." I said. "Oh, so your not from here. And what do you do?" She said curiously.

"Im in the navy" her eyes shot up. "Wow, what a big job. It must be hard" she said,

"Don't assume anything, it's not as hard as you think is is. It's actually quite enjoyable when you have crazy friends." She smiled at me.

"Okay so we better get going, I've got something fun planned." Her smiled grew, "oh, well then lets go" she said and got up very excited.


"Here, hop on" I said. "A ferry?" She asked. "No the fun begin once we get there." She yelp in excitement like a little kid getting icecream. I handed the man the tickets. He then whispered something in my ears, "shes a keeper" I looked up shocked and walked away often looking back at him. I saw Sam sitting down along the side of the boat gazing at the habour. "Its so beautiful, isn't it?" I said. She quickly looked at me, "yes, it never gets old" I sat down next to her. "Where we going?" Sam asked with a gigantic smile on her cute face. "You got to wait, thats what makes a surprise even more enjoyable." She gave me a soft smile. The ferry started up, and I moved in closer to her and wrapped my hand around her waist and as soon as I did that she looked up and rested her head on my shoulder.


The ferry stoped. She looked up, "we're here" I said and pulled her up. "Omg" she said super excited. "Omg luna park, my favorite" she said getting super excited. "I knew you would like it" I said and we walked off the ferry. Her happiness grew and she pulled me towards the entrance. "Slow down speedy" I said and laughed.

"Whats first?" I asked. "Lets go on that one" she looked with a mischievous smile on her face. "You think you can handle that princess?" I joked. "Its on" she said and we ran towards the ride. It said 'The Big Dipper" across it. I was one with the thrill and adrenalin and I assume Sam was too. I went to the ticket booth and bought two tickets and then we lined up. Finally it was our turn. We hopped into our seats and the safety thing pulled over us. "Ready?" I asked with a huge smile. "Ready" she said and giggled. There was a count down for the ride to begin, 3..2..1.. Suddenly we were shot up and it felt like I was airborn. I heard Sam laughing and screaming besides me. I saw her arms were shot up in the air. It slowed down, we were at the top. "Omg" Sam screamed. "Oh no" I screamed as we started to move. It finally came out. "Ahhhhhhh" I yelled as we fell straight down. My arms were flung up and all I could hear was the wind gushing in my face and the many screams of people. It seemed like we were falling for ages. Then we started slowing up we were near the end. "Omg, omg. That was awesome" Sam shouted. I laughed as we both got off. "Sorry James is frequently airborn, he will get back to you in a moment" I said and we both started laughing.


We went on a few more thrilling rides after that. "You hungry?" I asked Sam, "yes, very" she said. We headed to the food area. "What do you want?" I asked her, "hmm, lets have ice cream" she suggested. I laughed. "No Sam, dessert is last" I joked. "Okay what about we share a pizza?" I asked. "That sounds great"

We went up and ordered a pizza. "Hi, I'll have a large Hawaiian pizza" I asked the lady. She came back out after five minutes and handed it to me and I paid.

We sat down under a small tree and ate, I was so hungry and it tasted so good. Next minute the pizza was devoured. "Thank you James" Sam said with a soft smile. "Thank you for coming out with me tonight." I said back. She giggle.

"Wanna go on one more ride?" I asked her. "Sure but lets not go on a thrilling one since we just ate." We looked around. "How about the Ferris wheel?" I asked her. "Yes, perfect"

We walked over and sat in a cart. And it slowly moved. "Wow the view is beautiful" she said. "Did you know that I've been in Sydney for five years and I've only been here once and that was a school excursion so I didn't really get to enjoy myself that much with all the teachers telling you what to do." She said. "Wow, really? Well I hope you had an amazing time tonight." I said and had the urge to kiss her. "It was the best night ever James" she said and I slowly leaned in until our foreheads we against each other's. I reached in for the kiss and our lips brushed together, I needed to kiss her, I couldn't wait any longer. I went for it. I hit my lips against hers and she responded back, I could feel her tremble as our lips were in sync. She placed her hands on the sides on my face and my hands were tangled in her hair. It was passionate, I didn't want it to stop. I opened my eyes and she slowly opened hers as we moved back away. She gave a cute smile and I gazed into her eyes. The ride was over. I grabbed her hand and we walked together. We walked out and went back onto the ferry.


We finally reached her apartment. "I had a lovely night James"

"Me too" I said and kissed her forehead.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be great" she said and smiled.

"Cya Sam"

"Cya James"

I slowly walked away often looking back. I had never felt this way towards a girl before. She made my heart race every time I looked at her. I've always been like the boys, a partying, bad boy player. I normally would just hook up with girls and leave afterwards. But this was different, I felt like I had to be carful and that I have to protect her. I felt like she was apart of me now and couldn't see myself without her.

I headed back to my hotel room and I saw Nate sitting on the couch looking not like his normal self. "Nate, you okay?" I asked. "James your back. I've been so lonely without you guys" he said. I felt a bit bad for him because this was our weekend and Damon and I ruined it because we were with girls. "Im sorry Nate"

"It's okay"

"What did you get up to tonight" I asked.

"I went to a club and had a few drinks, then I danced with this girl and she was amazing. But then she left and I couldn't find her again." He said. "Oh poor Nate, the player didn't score tonight did he?" I laughed. "No, stop it" he said and punched me.

"Anyways we should get to bed" he suggested. I nodded.

*hey, hope you enjoyed that chapter! I did try to make it longer. Please like, follow, comment, and share if you want to see more.

Nate may have found someone, but wheres Damon?

How do you think James and Sams date went?? Do you think they will go further??

Anyways, peace you wrecked people*

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