Chapter 1

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             So, she did brought her new boy toy, Camila thought after seeing Lauren enter the restaurant with the unnamed guy. While they were being welcomed by our company, tonight I noticed that she was wearing an off - shoulder, knee- length black dress and a hand hanging over her shoulder, I quickly took off my eyes on her shoulder when I heard her mention my name, I shot them a confused look as to say that I don't know what's happening at the moment "This is Noah, and Noah this is Camila, the last member of Fifth Harmony" Lauren as she introduced Noah again.

"Hi" I answered while shaking his hand that was being offered and also to not leave him hanging, he smiled showing off his perfect set of teeth. As we sat back the people behind the successful show tonight got back to their own conversations before being interrupted by the late comers.

I was watching Lauren talking animatedly to Noah and telling him something about tonight's show and then I felt a  pinch at my sides and looked at the owner to see Normani looking at me sadly, I smiled at her to say that I am fine and there is nothing to be saddened about.

Normani, Dinah and I were talking about something when I heard Noah asked Lauren, obviously making his voice be heard by many, about the ship that their fans were trending on social media,"Is any of those things true?" I looked at Lauren to see her slightly panicking "What?! No, all of those are just delusions of their head, She and I are just friends, best friends, that are really close" Lauren answered slightly pissed off at the sudden curiosity of the model.

         no I hate is because it's invasive, scary, delusional, disrespectful to both of us and was never real ....... Ever

Well, 'wow' she really had enough of it, yes, I was also feeling annoyed because that is all they are talking about and really is kinda disrespectful, but she can't say that some aren't true. Now, all I had was just that memory of us sleeping together in the same bed and just talking of all the things that we liked about each other and how we can't live without the other and being the other's shoulder to cry on. That's just one of the memories that I had, now that our friendship is ruined because of how she can't accept who and what she really feels.

Noah was looking at me as if waiting  on what I say about the problem  "None of them are true, Lauren is just really my friend" Lauren looked at ease after hearing my answer. "Guys! aren't ya'll excited for tomorrow's show? We are having a surprise guess" Ally said as to avert everyone's attention from the tension that built up a while ago "Yeah and it's really a surprise not just for the fans but also for us. Can't you really not tell us who would they be?" Dinah asked towards our manager Will. He just motioned his hands to his mouth as to say that his lips are zipped and can't really tell. We groaned after getting nothing from him.

Lauren excused herself and told that she was going to the bathroom and after a while Noah's phone was ringing "Sorry, I gotta take this outside" I was watching him stand from his chair and noticed that it was towards the bathroom area, but I didn't wonder why because it was none of my business. After half an hour and noticed that neither of them had shown up, as I was standing " I think I gott--" I was cut off by the two arriving at the same time and noticed that Lauren's hair was kinda messed up and her dress was now wrinkly, then realized that something happened.

I felt a stung in my chest after looking at them from up and down " --leave" I continued after being interrupted again, why are these two always interrupting people?  Dinah also noticed their look and asked if I wanted her to come along "It's fine, I also want to to walk around to digest the food that I had, so, if you'll excuse me" I said smiling, fake smiling.

I nodded at Dinah, Normani, Ally then to Lauren who was looking at me worriedly, I smiled at her saying that I'm okay.

As I was exiting the restaurant and was  greeted by a paparazzi and was thankful that he just asked for a few shots and left, and now, I was left alone walking around the corner and then bumped into someone and fell into the ground, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry I wasn't looking on where I was going" she said panicking and helped me get up and looked at my elbows to see for any scratches "No, no I'm fine, it's not entirely your fault I wasn't event looking and if I was, I would've avoided bumping into you" I told her and she seemed to relax , a bit, "No, of course not, but if I was looking you wouldn't fall and the impact was strong that you even fell" she rebutted anxiously "Hey! Hey! That makes the two of us. So, calm down and I'm totally fine".

She was walking beside me after I agreed to let her take me to the nearest coffee shop. " What would you like?" I looked into the beverages and then spotted my drink "I'll have a Caramel Macchiato, please" then smiled at her, she ordered 2 because that's what she was also getting. I turned and to our table after arguing on who's gonna pay and obviously I failed.

"Hey! I didn't catch your name yet and we are already together for half an hour now" she asked , well, maybe our group wasn't known by all, I guess, "I'm Camila, Camila Cabello" I answered and saw her eyes got big "Oh my! Why didn't you tell me that you are in that girl group, Fifth Harmony?" she asked "Well, I didn't know people wouldn't know me without knowing my name, ha ha" awkward hehe "I just don't see your beautiful face often and just hear your voices singing on my phone, radio or by tv, where I'm not really watching just playing it to have something to listen to" I was stunned by how this girl in front of me is living her life and also by her not so secret-subtle complement "by the way, I'm Taylor"



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