Chapter 1

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TRIGGER WARNING *Domestic Violence

A year since the torture stopped and a year since her skin has been clear of bruises. Layla couldn't be happier as her mocha skin embraced the rain that fell. The memories flooded past her in heavy streams. At least that's how it felt in her dreams. She woke up to a punch and a knife to her throat. 

"You cheating on me bi...?" Layla sighed waking up with watery eyes 

"No Jermaine I was just sleeping please excuse me so I can fix breakfast." 

"Yeah okay and you better check ya attitude." 

He removed the knife from her throat. As the eggs sizzled she began to plan. This was the day. This was her escape. She had the mini cameras set up and she was ready to kill him dead where he stood because she deserved the happy ending. She deserved the house on the water but she didn't expect to be SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY (a/n that is a movie with Julia Roberts).

 They had been married for literally three months and her family was not in some far away place but across the street. There was nothing wrong with her childhood, her parents were still married, she of course had many insecurities that haunted her, but who doesn't, except hers cut super deep. 

All she wanted was perfection. The sick catch was that she wanted an athlete and got one. That wasn't difficult. This was the hard part, the cameras, the make up, the fake smiling. That's the hard part. Today she was going to end this. 

She didn't care about his six million dollar contract or the fact that he had a sister and two brothers or his mother because guess what, she deserved to live. Being on the verge of death and being "sick" all the time wasn't cutting it.

 Layla was ready.

 "My king come get your breakfast!" She nearly threw up her own food from the night before because as Jermaine put it "115 better stay your weight". 

Layla couldn't even gain weight with her fast metabolism. From this point she heard him come down the stairs in all his glory. He was beautiful when she met him and she was in love and shocked. His hair and her hair, their complexions, they were the ultimate power couple. 

She cooked his eggs wrong on purpose. "Bi... you think I'm about to eat this?" 

"Baby I'm sorry, I must of not been paying attention when I was cooking and I was getting the seaso-" 

She stopped her head from ending her life on the floor, it would've definitely split open with the impact of that hit. 

He pounced on her as she crawled and shielded her face. "J please please I'm sorry!" 

"Sorry ain't cutting it no more." 

She made it to the counter where the knife rack was located. He didn't even see her pick the knife up as he flipped her around and yanked off her panties she stabbed him in his throat.

First chapter I- yeesh.

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