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"Can we just... can we just forget that this whole stupid dream thingy I had even happened." I stood, going to grab my shirt from where it was set yesterday. "Aw what, was it a wet dream?" She snickered, pointing a finger moving up and down near my waistline. "N-no it was not!" She chuckled, walking over to me in her green T-shirt and grey sweats. "Sounds to me like it was sweetie~" She said before picking me up and twirling around. "What was it about then Lapis?" She set me down before sitting on the couch.
"None of your concern." I said, promptly picking up my phone and checking the time. 8:04am. "So it was a wet dream. Who were ya thinkin' about huh?" She smirked. I middle fingered her as I walked into the bathroom. "Go fuck yourself..." I mumbled under my breath before closing the door. "Fuck me yourself you coward..." I heard her say through the door. I opened the door. "What?" She then smirked. "You heard me~" I huffed before closing the door again, my face now red. As I looked around, I saw a pair of fresh clothes latex out for me already. Oh. I changed into the white shirt and grey sweatpants before getting myself fixed up and heading out again. Once I left the bathroom, I was greeted to the smell of her making food. "Hey beautiful~" She said as I rolled my eyes. She finished up before bringing over two plates. "Well, I knew you'd be hungry, so I made you some waffles too." She set a plate in front of me with whipped cream and a few berries on the sides. Woah this looks good. "Thank you, you didn't hav-" she cut me off before I could finish. "I wanted to, and your welcome." She said before I started to eat. I noticed that she kept writing down something on a small notepad, she kept ripping the pages out and crumpling them up before starting again. When finally, she wrote something down and ripped it out without crumpling it and instead folded it and put it in her pocket. I swallowed. "What is that?" I gestured to her notepad. "Oh this is nothing..." she muttered before I shrugged and went back to eating. After I had finished me breakfast, I checked my phone for the time. My phone started to then violently buzz. I made a strange yelp-ish sound to the vibrations scaring me at first before I looked to the texts from Amy all coming in at once.

Amy: yo where r u? [3:37am]
Amy: duuuuddeee [3:39am]
Amy: r u home? [3:48am]
Amy: Lapis wtf [4:01am]
Amy: waiiittt [4:01am]
Amy: r u with the stripper that u met?? [4:02am]
Amy: I know what's going on here Lapis ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [4:03am]
Amy: u get knocked up by her or vice versa? [4:03am]
Amy: dude, where tf r u? [8:17am]

I shut off my phone for a minute before opening it up again.

Me: we didn't have sex, I'm with her rn tho.
Me: I'm going home in a few min.

I put the phone face down on the table. "What was all that?" I heard Peridot ask, tilting her head to the side a bit. "You know my friend that came by last night? Well she was just um... wondering what I was doing." I explained before picking up my phone, seeing more messages.

Amy: oof, u know she's totally into u tho right?
Amy: I saw her dance for u
Me: not the point
Me: I'm coming home soon

I put my phone in my pocket, getting up. "What do you want me to do with my dishes?" I asked, watching Peridot doodle some stuff on her notepad intently. "Oh I've got them." She said, standing up and taking my dishes, putting her notebook on the table. She put them in the sink, washing them as I looked at her notebook. There were sketched out outfit designs on the thin papers. Some of the designs were of a demon, a nurse, a cop, and a "... bunny suit?" I said out loud, she turned to look at me. "Wha- oh. Uhm, you see..." she trailed on, gesturing with her hands, trying to explain. Cute. "So you see, I- I can't always wear the same outfits, people get tired of that quick. So I make some of my own, more... different." I studied the sketches a little as she spoke, smirking at her as I looked back up. She had a small tint of pink on her cheeks now. "I... Well since some people wear bunny suits and find it, uh, fun..." she left off there, I got the idea. "I see." I said before looking to my watch, it was 8:43am. "Anyways, I gotta head home now. I should probably go feed my cat at home." She nodded. As soon as I started to walk off I stopped, internally facepalming. I remembered that Amy drove me here last night... Ugh... I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly as I turned around.
"So... I just remembered that my friend drove me here last night and she somehow got home, probably via Pearl..." I said looking to my feet. She chuckled. "You could of just asked for a ride." She stopped, before quickly adding to it. "Home, a ride home. Not to be confused with... uh, that." I nodded. "Yeah... Wait won't it interfere with your shifts?" I asked, she shook her head 'no'. "We don't really start that stuff till 7:00pm." I nodded again. "All I need is the directions and I can drive you there." I gathered my clothes, for her to get what she needed.
"Thanks, for everything." I said. "No problem." She grabbed her keys from the hook. "You got everything?" I nodded. "Alright, follow me." She said, opening the door and holding it open for me as I stepped out, waiting for her to lead my way. As I followed her to her car I looked around for some fancy car, I saw a few but we passed them. Her car was a small light, yellowish green bug. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit confused when I first saw her unlock it, I didn't expect her to have a car like this, but I guess I didn't know her that well anyways. She opened the passenger door for me, letting me in before she closed the door, walking to her side and getting in, turning it on. "Thanks." I said as she looked to me and smiled back. "So, what are the directions?" I opened up my phone and got onto my maps, putting in my address and clicking 'go'. "Head north on Ridgetown" the phone spoke. I handed her my phone, she set it on the small item rack. We followed the directions the phone gave us as we talked about pretty much nothing. Just mostly about my cat, what color she was, what food she likes, what is her name, stuff like that. As soon as we got to my home I opened my car door. As she got out too. "nice house." She said. "Thanks... well, goodbye I guess." I said as I started to walk to the door. I turned as I heard her footsteps behind me. "Wait! I forgot to give you this." She handed me a little piece of paper. "Open it when you get inside." She told me before waving as she walked to her car. I spoke across the driveway as she was near her car. "Peridot!"
"Yeah?" She said, turning my way. "You'd look good in all those suits... especially the bunny one~" she quickly looked down, but I saw a glimpse of red scattered along her cheeks as she turned back. "Wow, thanks." She said as she made it to her car door, getting in and waving bye to me again. As she started to drive off, I unlocked the door, walking inside. As I plopped myself down on the couch I dropped the clothing, and focusing to the paper she had given me. I opened it and started to read it.

I'm performing at 4, 6:30, 9, and 11:30pm tonight. Can't wait to see you again ;)

I grinned at her note before I moved my eyes down to the next part.

PS I still want my clothes back, but you can have my hoodies

I smirked as I finished reading the note, folding it and putting it into my pocket. Typical flirting techniques. I pulled out my phone, opening up my messages and texting Amy again.

Me:Do you wanna hit the club up again tonight?
Amy:Seeing your gf? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Me:We aren't dating
Me:So yes or no?
Amy:Sure, can pearl tag along?
Me:Sure, idc who you bring
Me:Ik it's an early time, but do you think you could drop me off at 3:30pm? You can come by later or stay there to pick me up

I swiped out of the messages app, closing my phone and picking up my laundry, putting them with the laundry bag. I found some clean clothes, changing out of peridots and switching them. ...I should probably wash this before returning it. I grabbed her clothes she had lenses me and put them in the washing machine, pouring the cleaner in before clicking start, the small dinging coming from the machine.
I walked to my room, grabbing my sketchbook and pencil, walking to my bed and flopping down on it. I started to sketch out random things. I started to sketch out the clothing I was wearing at the moment,  a red long sleeved dress and some black stockings. Then I started to draw what Amy wore yesterday, along with Peridots. I spent more time on Peridot's, for I made sure to capture every little detail on the clothing. I drew her against the pole in her tux and tie. I drew it as she was yesterday, the stunt where she flipped upside down, holding one leg out. Then I drew her after she had taken off the tux. Damn it... why do all the drawings I do of her make her look so hot-
My phone buzzed, I looked down at the screen as I saw a message show up from Amy.

I started typing, then deleted it, re-typing something different.
She responded immediately
Amy:Can I see?
I glanced down at the drawings, deciding if I were to show her or not. I'll either regret this, or not.
I then sent the photos of the drawings I sketched out
Me:no shit
Amy: you NEED to show her this
Amy:She'll be all over you
Me:no, I'm not gonna show her
Amy:y not?
Me:Cause you don't just go to a bar, meet a stripper, get her number, then send her photos of what you drew of her
As soon as I hit send I realized my mistake
Shitshitshitshit, nononono why isn't there a undo?!

Neon NightsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt