All The Right Moves

640 29 13

Lapis POV

When we arrived at the bar I sat down, taking things in a little more since I was distracted before. "One fireball and one..." the woman pointed to me, then the board of drinks. "cocktail" I said. The bartender nodded, then went to the back, fixing the drinks for us. I turned to the side to watch the other stripper as they danced, blowing little kisses to the crowd every so often, saying quick hello's to certain people. "Thanks." I heard the woman say before I turned to see her with the drinks, handing me mine. I thanked her. I was about to take a sip when I noticed the napkin under it had writing on it. I picked up the napkin examining it to see that there was a name and phone number on it. I turned to look at the bartender who was cleaning a glass, they shook their head and looked at the woman next to me. She smirked. "I know you didn't hear me earlier when I told you, so I figured this would be easier." She said with a wink. I glanced at the name again. "Peridot right?" She nodded before taking a big gulp of her drink. I drank a small portion of my drink, taking glances at her as she easily downed the drink quickly. I looked down at my drink, thinking of our conversation earlier before quickly downing the rest of my drink hoping she would see and be impressed. I almost choked... Facing her I asked "What was it about showing me about how you do all your fancy moves again?" I hiccuped at the end trying to hide it with a cough, it didn't work. She snickered. "Interested huh?" I nodded, she rolled her eyes playfully. "Let's to and see" she turned to the bartender. "My tab Squarie. Thanks." The bartender frowned at the name but still proceeded to write down something on their notepad.
Peridot and I got up and started to walk over to somewhere. The room she had led me to had a tall ceiling with multiple mirrors and poles. I looked around some more to see some posters of famous dancers and well known strippers which made me giggle. As she stepped to a pole she looked back at me. "You can take a seat in one of those chairs" I nodded and sat down in the chair beside me, watching her. "So basically, I'd be wearing some... erotic outfit as you saw earlier, and we walk out." She slid off her shoes leaving her feet bare before gripping the pole with both hands. I watched with awe as she climbed up the pole, holding herself up with her legs and swinging herself around with one hand. She then flipped upsidown, held by her legs before gracefully sliding back down the pole.
She looked as though she was distracted in what she was doing , since she started to do very advanced moves on the pole. Suddenly came the urge to get up, to get closer. She climbed the pole again, not noticing me as I stood and walked over. She spun on the pole, slowing down to hold herself out on the pole, her body straightened and staying in one position with her eyes closed. I climbed up to the pole area, looking up at her. Just as her head leant down a bit, she came face to face with me, her eyes opened. She looked a bit startled at first, just realizing that I was still in the room.
Weather it was the fact that I had been intoxicated or impulsive, actually maybe both, I kissed her. I slowly stepped back, regret painted onto my face. I knew she wasn't going to kiss back. It was dumb anyways. I watched her as she got off the pole, she had a neutral expression. The I noticed something I hadn't expected, she has a small blush patted on her cheeks. I started to shuffle my feet backwards. "I'm so sorry... I-I... I didn't mean to... I-" as I was backing up my foot came in contact with something, causing me to fall off of the small area and near the chair which I was supposed to stay at. I looked up at the ceiling, one leg bent and the other stretched out. I put my hands over my face in regret of what I had done. Then I heard chuckling. She- she was chuckling... "So... you really are an easily exited person. Yo do know that... right?" I could tell by the sounds that she had got off of the small stage, my finger moved to see her as she was crouched next to me. "Well with you reminding me every few minutes-" I quickly pushed myself up. I let out a groan before laying back down again. "What's wrong?" She questioned. I gestured to my pants not bothering to speak.
She then snickered. "It's not funny!" I whined, covering my face. My elbows pointed up and my temple was crinkled. "You really don't know know what strippers are supposed to do huh? How they are supposed to make you feel." I uncovered my face, crossing my legs and putting my hands behind my head. "I told you, this is the first time I had ever been to a strip club." Peridot shook her head, smiling. "Well consider this a token." She brought her thumb to her mouth before licking it and touching it against my lips. I sat up, eye level with her. "Was that supposed to be a kiss?" She winked, then scooped me up into her arms, looking down at me. "How about you change out of your clothing since you've... dampened it." She said with a smirk. I pressed my head into her shoulder, blushing.
She started to move again. "Where are we going?" I asked, my voice muffled into her clothing. "Back to my room, I have some clothes you can use." I hummed before she started to walk again.
She then carried me into the room, gently setting me down on the couch. She went off to a drawer to look for some clothing before turning and walking back to me, she came back with some fresh pants and panties handing me them. "The bathroom is over there" she said pointing towards a door. I nodded and got up. "Thanks" I said before going into the room, closing the door. I took off my pants then sat on the closed toilet lid, examining the panties she had given me. They were red silk, A nice rose red. I looked at the pants she had gave me, some dark grey jeans. I stood up, taking off my wet panties, throwing them onto my pants before sliding on the red silk. "...comfortable..." I muttered, then putting on the jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror before gathering up my clothing and wrapping them up in a ball and walking out. "What should I-...?" I stopped to see Peridot on her moveable pole, dancing to the music she had playing on her speaker. The song I heard was familiar. "...Timber..." I softly spoke. She danced, singing the lyrics to the song. "It's going down- I'm yelling timber! You better move, you better dance. Let's make a night, you won't remember! I'll be the one you won't forget~" I watched her move, features illuminated from the lights over her bed. I then set the clothes down, sitting and watching her. She continued to dance and sing, the lights complimenting her features. I sat back, crossing my legs and putting my arms behind my head. When the song finished, she slowed down before getting off the pole. She turned to look at me, her confidence faltering a little. "H-Hello"  She said. I stood up before speaking. "Hey. Nice singing, and nice moves~" I said, She looked downwards. I picked up the clothes and asked her "Where should I put these?" She looked upwards at me before responding. "Oh. Um, well how long did you plan on staying? I mean, I could put them in the wash" I looked down at my watch, the time being 11:52pm. "Probably another hour or two." I looked up to her. "Alright. Amy special instructions for your clothes?" I shook my head no before she led ,e over to her washer and dryer. She put the clothes in along with some more of hers. I sat on top of the dryer, looking to her fluffy hair. Reaching my hand out, I gently touched it, running my hands through it. " soft ..."  she stopped moving, humming lightly as I ran my fingers through her stands. I played a little more with her hair, getting satisfied hums from her as she then continued to put the clothes in the washer. When she finished she looked at me, cocking an eyebrow. I smiled, smirking, she spoke. "You can do that again, anytime you want~" I chuckled. Walking over to the couch, sitting down to watch Peridot come over. She lied down next to me, resting her head on my thighs. "Is it ok if I do this?" She questioned, I nodded in response. I then started to feel and mess with her hair again, the soft blonde strands running onto and in between my fingers. She hummed again, closing her eyes. "Lapis" I said. She opened her eyes halfway, giving me a questioning look. "My name's Lapis."  She nodded, closing her eyes again slowly. A smile tugged at her mouth as she turned her head towards me. I was a little taken aback at first when she put a hand on my cheek, but it was comfortable, so I leaned into it. Her eyes opened, looking like she was about to speak. I bent down a little, over her. She guided my head down to her face, my ear next to her mouth. "What a wonderful name for such a beauty" blushing lightly, I sat back again, playing with her hair some more. She sat up, coming closer to me. Resting her head on my shoulder, she let out a small sigh. I had a small smile on my face after hearing this. With one hand I held her, rubbing my hand up and down her muscular arm. With the other I gave her more of the scalp massage. In addition to her humming, she made a small purring like noise. "Peridot?" I started. She shifted her head to look at me. She our eyes met, I found myself tripping over my words. "I... uh..." she smirked at this, taking my hand out of her hair and put it to one side of the couch. As though she would have let go, she didn't. Instead, she intertwined our fingers. With her free hand, she pushed me down against the couch, running her fingers through my hair. "Yes, beautiful~?" She smirked. I realized my face and ears start to ward up again, but her onto- of me again didn't help that. I looked up at her, breath catching in my throat. "I-..." I looked at our position, baiting my lip. Shit. She lowered herself to my ear, whispering. "Let me guess. The flustered Lapis, a beautiful woman, wants something, but can't figure out what. She's easily exited~ and flustered. In my opinion." She locked her eyes with mine, grinning. "Also- she's probably a bottom" My eyes then widened and my face grew hotter. Peridot snickered, making me pull her head down to my shoulder. "So what, your being to say all that because it's my first time at a-" she laughed, sitting up. "No. I'm just saying you've done everything I told you to."
I looked away. "Well maybe if you weren't so attractive or so smooth with your words, I would have a little more control over myself." She tilted her head, using one elbow to prop her head in her hand. With her other hand, she held my chin again in the same way as before. "Attractive huh?" She sat up, shifting to settle herself on top of me. If I'm going to come back to this bar often, I better get used to her sitting on top of me huh? Not that it's bad... She took my hands, putting them on her waist.

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