First Round

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Lapis POV

The soft tips of my hair were brushed back by my hand as I stood, checking my phone to see if Amy had texted me yet. Always late.. I thought with a sigh, I was wearing my black pants with the circular belt buckle in the middle, along with my loose golden shirt draping over my shoulders. As I adjusted the strap of the collar I stopped to hear a buzz come from the table.
"Dude I'm here" , a text from Amy, she finally showed up- 15 minutes late. I then texted a quick "K" before heading out, grabbing my phone and some loose cash, along with my id.
*HONK!* I jumped, almost dropping the keys before I quickly locked the door, giving Amy a annoyed expression as I walked to her car, seeing her bursting with laughter in the front seat. As I climbed in and shut the door I was still staring her down as she finally caught her breath and spoke "BRO, You looked like a startled cat!!" Wiping the tears from her eyes. "Haha-" I said sarcastically with a fake smile back to her with before she started to back out of the driveway.
"Damn, you still got a Huge house I see." She said glancing to me before looking at the road. "Eh, it's not really my house, but I guess it is pretty big for this area." I responded ,shrugging. "Hm." She said before the car went mostly silent,but the music playing in the background was good enough for me. After a few twists and turns on the road we finally made it into the area we hoped to find.A building started to show, the name was flickering with the purple and blue light "Bear's Den".
Finally, I've finally found a gay bar nearby..
Amy parked the car and we got out locking it behind us as we looked over to the door we saw that it had a small rainbow banner attached to the front. As we walked in I saw Amy's face light up with excitement as the vibrations of music and the whiff of alcohol with perfume hit us. My eyes adjusted to the different light patterns as I looked around, I saw a stage with poles and a few chairs along with a bar table close to the side, that's where we sat. The person at the bar was cleaning glasses to spend some time doing something other than talking to the customers. They wore circular glasses with puffy hair, I felt like I knew them from somewhere, but the lighting could also be effecting my sight at the moment. Amy looked around for a second before her face quickly lit up, mouth gaping open. "PEARL?!" She yelled facing the woman, now standing.
She looked to me quickly and said "Sorry Lapis! I gotta go say hi, text if you need me!" before taking off, running into the other direction.
Well ok then- I thought before just looking around at the people there, hoping to spot someone I knew.
A new light came on at the stage causing many people to screech with joy, I turned in my seat to see what all the commotion was about. My eyes soon locked onto the new appearance that came from the curtain, they came on in a tuxedo top, but not the bottom half, most pale skin was exposed except for a few areas other than the tux, the other areas that were covered were by complex strings on their thighs. They made their way to the pole in the middle taking their time as they walked, swaying hips and their hands caressing their short blonde styled hair. Her grabbing the attention of myself, I fully turned my body in the chair watching in awe as she ran her fingers up and down the pole, her walking around it at a steady pace to the music. She looked towards my way as I was looking her up and down, she slowed down a little as her eyes locked onto mine for a good 10 seconds. She then smiled a small bit as she raised an eyebrow, her tux starting to run off her left shoulder. My mouth was slightly left open as I looked, almost like I was in a trance, nothing else in that room mattered enough for me to care to look anywhere else. The tux finally slid off of her left arm as she closed her eyes and wriggled it off the right, dropping it to the floor. Her chest covering was almost like the bottom half except the two crosses over her buds looking like two "X"s  instead of covering by the complex clothing there. She then grabbed the pole with both hands and climbed up it a bit before flipping herself  upside-down looking at me again, still grinning in that strange way. Her leg wrapped itself around the pole as the other spread apart from it, people gasped from the crowd amazed by the flexibility of a single person. She swung from her position, the souls of her feet hitting the ground after they slid across the pole. She started to bring her hands to her hips as they swayed to the music, brushing them up and down her sides all the way up to her hair caressing it, and all the way down to her thighs, gently squeezing them. I could feel the heat run through my body from my face all the way to my core as I watched, I could feel myself getting turned on by this,hopefully not staining my pants in the process. After a few minutes of her erotic moves she pointed a finger to me, tilting her palm up as she moved her finger in a "come here" motion. I looked around timidly before pointing to myself, mouthing the word "me?". She nodded in response before I slowly got up and walked onto the stage where she was.
The crowed "ooo"d  at me as I stood up there in front of her, I watched her hand as she motioned for someone on the lower level to hand her a chair, which they did. As she placed the chair onto the floor away from the pole she put one hand behind her back and motioned for me to sit in the chair. I was a bit hesitant at first, but then just did. My legs were tense and locked in front of me as she put her right hand on the chair before smirking at me. My face was definitely heated by this point, I could feel the warmth of my ears and cheeks. My eyes kept glancing down to her core and chest as she put her left hand on my right shoulder. I could feel my legs starting to get less tense as she settled her body onto me. She started slowly rolling her hips onto my core, at this point I could feel the wetness between my legs as it slowly soaked through the thin fabric.
As she steadily got faster I started to bite my lip to prevent myself from making any noise thinking that she might have a microphone on her. My hands guided themselves to her arms, leading down to her chest, feeling the warmth radiate from her chest to my palm. When my hands finally left her body she stopped going from the front and turned to face the opposite direction ,doing the same motions, just backwards. Even from the side she went, well more like one leg, but it count. I casually slid my hand into my pocket, grabbing a $5 bill and sliding it in between the thread on her upper thigh. She put her finger under my chin, stroking it, whispering "meet me in the back when you can beautiful, I wanna get to know you a bit better~" she finished as her finger slid off my chin as she walked back behind the curtain leaving me onstage as the big light shut off and the normal lights came back on.
My hunger for more grew to be the greater of me as I quickly got off the chair and went back to my regular seat. I sat for about 3 minutes deciding weather I would go to see her or not, I mean I totally should, but what if- no, but - no, I'll be fine. I took in a deep breath as I stood up, my area was still soaked though I had forgotten about it at that point. I started up walking behind the curtain, I was really doing this, all in one night too-.

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