Second Impression

677 31 18

Lapis POV

I moved the curtains aside, leading to a small room with an open door, as I went inside I gazed around at the things in the room, gathering in my surroundings. There was a small couch pressed up against the wall so I decided to sit down there waiting for her to show, if she even did.
After a minute or two I turned my head to see her walk into the room, her eyes closed as she held her temple with her right hand. As soon as her eyes opened, she looked right at me, her eyes trailing over my full body before smirking. "Come for another dance? I wouldn't mind giving another to you~" she teased, clearly pleased by my appearance in the light as I sat. I quickly jolted up, feeling my face rise in temperature as I looked down at my crooked feet before up at her, "n-no, I-" my eyes having trouble making eye contact with her as I stuttered.
She gave me a slightly confused look before she looked up my legs to my core, stopping her eyes there with a devilish grin now spread across her pale face, cocking an eyebrow. "Oh-hoho, get a little exited there, now did we?" She chuckled. I immediately looked down, immediately understanding. "Well- You see I, uh-" My worlds fumbled, creating more distress for myself. She then walked up to me "Yes Beautiful-?" She said in a lower tone as the woman slowly sat me down into the chair again, causing me to squirm a little. I stopped moving as I felt her sit on my body like before, putting her left hand on the chair over me. "First time? Haven't seen you around here before." She asked me, my eyes looking to the side and to the walls, anywhere but her body, making her softly chuckle "Getting exited again?" She asked snickering at me. I then noticed the warm, buzzing feeling in my core, the waves moving throughout my body.
"Maybe-" I muttered softly underneath my breath. I felt her hand take me by the chin, forcing my sight to look up at her. "Hm, What would you do if I did this?" She began to slowly roll her hips onto mine in the same way as she had done before, bringing back the same feeling. I had gripped the chair seat She she started to slowly work her way faster. The buzzing feeling in my core started to get stronger and warmer as I could feel the slow trickle start up at my core, feeling the sticky liquid exit my core and onto my clothing, making it stick to my body. She moved her body closer to mine, as for now mine was pressed up against the chair back. She looked down at me with a smirk and a small tint of pink brushed across her cheeks and nose.
She placed her right hand in my hair, startling me. "Don't be scared." She softly said as she leaned in closer to my face. I bit my tongue to stop me from creating any sound as she brought my other hand down to my waist. She looked as though she was about to kiss me, but just as her lips almost reached mine she switched the direction to my collarbone. Taking in long whiffs of my skin as she moved her head upwards.
She went up to my ear, whispering to me random numbers that didn't make sense to me. As she backs away, she licked my earlobe, causing for me to bite my tongue even harder. Though it hurt, I still kept my mouth shut. Both her hands made their way down to my waist, rubbing up and down in a steady motion. Starting to feel a little more comfortable, I slid mine against her sides, my eyes darting from her face, to her chest, and to her core.
"What are you thinking about, beautiful." She licked her lips and held my face the same way she had done during the performance. "I-" I tried not to look at her, look anywhere but her.
"Oh so we're playing games now~?" She cooed. "Look at me beautiful~" she whispered. I shivered, trying my best not to fill her ego. "Please?" She pleaded, my eyes slowly drifting up to hers, locking onto her in my sight. "Good~" she whispered to me, grinning. I felt her casually slide her hand off my waist, not looking away placing it on my breast, squeezing it a bit. I slightly whimpered making her grin widen, spreading across her face. I looked down to my pants quickly, trying not to make any more sounds to fuel her. "Having fun?" She laughed as she slowed her rocking hips and slowly got off of me.
"Well I think that's enough for now, can't tire out suck beauty now, can I?" She started to walk away to the door as if she were to get something, hips swaying as she sauntered to find what she was looking for.
After a few minutes of waiting for the woman to get back, gradually gathering back the normal color to my cheeks as they cooled she returned. She was now dressed in different clothing, a black crop top and dark green sweatpants. I noticed her well built body, more muscular than I had expected in a few areas, but I guess you need strength for that type of job. "Enjoying the view?" She questioned, I didn't respond, only watching her as she fell back onto the couch, facing me. She positioned herself into a French girl position, motioning me over from the chair. I slowly stood to my feet, gradually walking over. She sat up, gently grabbing my wrist and pulled me down to her height.
"So- miss... uh.." I took the hint and responded. "Lazuli." She nodded.
"So miss Lazuli, how was your first time here?"
I slowly kneeled down, realizing her grip still on my wrist. "It was..." I smirked to her "...great."
She nodded. "Your welcome to come back here anytime." She said, my body instantly responding with "I plan to-" I slapped my other hand over my mouth, eyes widened shocked from what I had said. The woman smirked, cocking an eyebrow to me. We stayed like that for a minute or two, me being over her on the couch.  I then looked at her arm, which was very muscular for a woman's, her arm strength must need to be really strong to be something like a professional stripper.
"So..." I started "How do you... uh, all the moves and what not to do on the pole?" I then realized that I could get off of her, science I forgot about our position for a minute. Sitting back, I looked at her, watching her slowly sit up, crossing her now stretched out legs and putting her arm over the back of the couch.
"I can show you." She said quietly. "But aren't the only poles in the main ro-" she shook her head to my response. "Nope nope, total nope. There are... a few more. Though it can be annoying to strip for private parties sometimes, it's still good money." She shrugged. "I thought your performance for tonight was over?" I said a bit confused. She looked at me, "it is, we take shifts. That however was my last shift of the night, and-" she grinned "I got lucky to see you on it. One problem I ran into though." I cocked an eyebrow. "What problem was there?"
She smirked "You- distracted me a little. I'm sure you saw me slow down for a few seconds, yes?" I nodded in response, thinking about it. My throat was feeling kinda dry at the moment. "Damn it. Amy totally forgot about the drinks!" I stood up, about to go back to the bar before I stopped. I turned on my heel towards the attractive woman with a sheepish expression on my face. "I uh... I've never actually been to a bar like this before, and my friend ditched me to talk to some girl. What I'm saying is can you... can you come with me please?" I looked to my feet, gripping my arm shyly.
"Of course" she smiled and got up, walking me towards the main room. "Sorry about this, I just don't like being alone in crowded places." She smiled at me in a understanding way before speaking. "it's alright. Hey, drinks on me." I looked up at her. "Wait seriously? You don't have to do that-" she smirked. "Trust me. I'll just take it from my pay." I nodded. We entered the main room again, music playing but over the sound I heard a few people whistle and cat call at the off-duty stripper. The woman then nodded facing me, ushering me along.

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