Yee to the haw

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Lapis POV

She looked to me before shrugging. "Alright. I'll see what sort of 'cowboy' clothing I have I guess." She then walked off to some things, pulling out her phone as she walked. As she walked into the closet she typed a few things on her phone before looking at something now in her hands. She stopped typing before setting the item down and looking around some more. I laid down on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. While I waited, I thought about the nights events. We had walked in, sitting down. I talked a small bit with Amy before she ran off to talk with Pearl. Then Peridot came onto the stage. We watched each other for a split second before she danced for me. We had gotten drinks and she showed me some moves... I kissed her. Then Amy came back drunk not able to drive us home for the sake of crashing or getting caught drunk driving. I then started to hear music start to play, I didn't recognize it at first. The lights carefully dimmed the room, some of the hidden stage light on the moveable stage flickered. I sat up, still leaning on the couch a small bit. My legs crossed over each other while my arms were draped over, resting. My attention was now focused.
Before she had even started to walk out I could already start to feel a small buzz. As soon as the lyrics stated I could see her walk onto the flamboyant stage to the pole. I gently bit my lip as I watched. She swayed her hips as she walked, boots hitting the stage her belt and holster swinging with her movements. The tight brown shorts she wore and a black vest and gloves accenting her body. She tipped up her hat as she traced the pole, winking in my direction as she looked me up and down.
"There was a cat from Brooklyn, by the name of Romeo-" She locked eyes with me before beckoning me over in her direction. I declined her request, staying in place, smirking. I watcher her as her body swiftly swung across the pole. "When Geraldine was dancing she would bring the ballroom down-" she moved her hat up again, grabbing the pole. Her body was pressed up against it, she pulled herself upwards flexing her body. Fuck... The buzz feel started to grow. "That's Geraldine's Routine"
I smirked enjoying the show. She swung in a fluent motion as I reached my hand into my pocket, grabbing my wallet. "Let's hump, let's jump, let's thumpety-bump..." sliding out a $20, waiting for her to lean down close though to me to carefully slip it inside her belt. She bent on one knee, bringing her hands to my face. As she leant in, her vest slid forwards moving with her motion. As she cupped my cheeks her vest started to best started to part from her chest. My breath slightly hitched as I watched her eyes nervously. She looked me up and down as she slowly slid her hand down to my thigh. I looked towards her hand before bringing them back to her focus in the dance.
"Wave those paws in the air
Spin around like Fred Astaire
Slip me five and we can jive
That's Geraldine's routine"
As she danced, she rolled her hips up against the pole. Watching me, she took something off of her belt, revealing it to be a lasso. In somehow synch to the music, she tossed the item towards me. As it lands, it wraps around me and the back of the chair. Preventing me to move other than my legs and head. what the-
"Lift those puppies off the ground
Swing those hips, and shake them down
(It's rag, it's razz, it's snazzy jazz)
It's Geraldine's routine"
She stepped off the stage, circling around me. Tightening the lasso a bit, she took off her gloves and  stroked my cheek. She kicked off her boots, looking down to me. With both hands under my chin she lifted my head upwards. I quickly looked her up and down, which made her smirk. "Look at me." She said.
I gulped, staring into her eyes. She stepped back a step, running her fingers along her vest. "Come on, eyes on mine." She said, looking at me with half lidded view, making my face warm up. In my peripheral sight, I saw her grasp and slide off the vest from the back. The color of her skin was the same of her arms. Trying my best not to make glances, she started to walk closer. Setting her position on top of me, making my palms sweaty. Cupping my cheeks, she looked downwards at me, licking her lips. The buzzing feeling started to rage, feeling it throughout my body. "What are ya thinking about?" She asked in a somewhat husky tone. I quickly glanced down, hearing her chuckle. "Well, well, well, getting exited huh~?" As I looked up, I saw her bending down to my face. I couldn't even hear the music anymore at this point, only my breaths and her speaking. Well, it was like that, till the song changed. My curiosity shined through my expression as I looked to her, causing for her to bite her lip. "What song is this...?" I asked shyly. I struggled in the lasso wrapped around me. She scooted closer to my core before brushing the hair from my forehead. "Ain't Nobody Like You, by Yung Bae and Josh Pan." I nodded. She looked back at the speaker before moving her hand to my shoulder. She chuckled to the music, a wide grin on her face. "Here comes my favorite part." She stopped speaking. I listened in, hearing the beats.
My eyes then widened to hear a quick moan added to the song. "What the fuck..." I whispered to myself, my face heating up and my core buzzing wildly. Not yet... not again... once a a day is enough. She grinned, "So, you never answered my question." She started. "What is on your mind~?" I could feel my heated face, but still not knowing how red I was. "Well, for starters... you-" I said timidly. She chuckled, stroking my chin. "Lapis that's gay." She said. I deadpanned. "It's a gay bar, you work here. Your the one being gay! Your the one stripping for me!" She laughed. "I can't stop-" she said, me quickly cutting her off. "Please don't-"
She snickered at my comment. "Whatever you say."
I huffed, annoyed at what I said. "Anyway, the other thing I thought about was the quick moan they fit into the song. They literally slipped it in just like that." She looked at me suspiciously before responding. "The moan you say- You mean like this?" She said before imitating it. Pleeeeasse don't make me anymore horny than I already am... I bit my tongue as she imitated it. She laughed while running her hand through my hair. "Your enjoying this aren't you?" I did my best to nod unnoticeably. However, she still saw it. She laughed and nodded slowly, multiple times, almost as if she were listening to someone and agreeing with everything they said. How the fuck did I end up being tied up by an attractive stripper anyways? Oh yeah- I was still a little drunk while I asked her to dress up... Well shit- I'm obviously, totally not a gay mess right now. I watched her, waiting for her to do something different. I didn't know what else she would do, but I know it would probably be gay. Our eyes locked, her having the biggest grin spread across her face. She brought her hands to my face, one cradling my face as the other gave me a scalp massage. Okay... she then leaned in close, breathing heavily into my ear, breath warm. "Ooh Lapis~" she whispered huskily into my ear. I looked to the ceiling biting my lip, trying not to make eye contact and trying not to let fluids run down my thighs. "Heh." She snickered before stroking my chin, her finger running down my neck . "Like that~?"
I then bit down on my tongue, trying not to get the panties and pants she lent me dirty already.

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