{4} - |A special gift|

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-The next day-

It was Ratchet's day off when he discovered the neatly wrapped package in front of his door. A bit confused, he took it into his apartment and sat down on his berth to examine it.

"Hm... doesn't seem to say who it's from..." he mumbled, turning the package over to see if there was any markings on it. There was none, so he decided to just open it. He carefully ripped the paper off of it and set it aside, opening the box and gasping a bit when he saw what was inside.

Inside the box was a cute little bag of energon sweets with a note attached. Ratchet curiously took out the bag and raised an optic ridge, pulling the note off and setting the bag down. "What does this say?" He murmured to himself, opening the note and reading it.

'Hey Ratchet!

I talked with one of the nurses at your work and found out that you really liked these energon sweets, so I decided to get you some! Hope you enjoy them.

-Wheeljack <3'

Ratchet blushed slightly, staring at the note for a moment. He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about this, but it was a nice feeling so far. He glanced at the bag again and sighed, opening it and taking one sweet out. He popped it into his mouth and savored its amazing taste, humming softly in content. It had been ages since he had one of these.

Once he finished that one, he put the bag away to discourage himself from having any more and stood up from his berth. Today, he was going to find the wrecker and thank him for the gift.

Maybe he really was warming up to Wheeljack after all.


As far as Ratchet's knowledge extended, he knew the Wreckers hung out downtown in the common area. They usually lobbed or trained with each other, having a pretty good time indeed.

It didn't take long for Ratchet to spot them, the clang of metal on metal getting his attention first. He gulped nervously and approached them, a small smile on his face. "Um.. excuse me... would any of you know where Wheeljack is?" He asked, flinching slightly when a big green mech turned to face him along with a blue and yellow mech.

"Ol' Jackie? Aye, he be over there sharpenin' his katanas." The blue and yellow mech said, gesturing to Wheeljack before he cleared his throat and chuckled. "Guess I should introduce me-self. M'names Seaspray, pleasure to meet ye." He grinned, holding out his hand to shake Ratchet's.

Ratchet's smile grew a bit and he took Seaspray's hand, shaking it firmly and nodding. "Nice to meet you, Seaspray. My name is Ratchet, I'm a medic over at the Iacon medical center."

"Ye are? Huh, Jackie's been talkin' bout ye all day long!" Seaspray gave a hearty chuckle and crossed his arms over his chassis, glancing at the green mech. "Oh c'mon, ye green lump! Introduce yeself!"

The green mech chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his helm, reaching out his hand for Ratchet to shake. "Uh... hi there. I'm Bulkhead. Me and Jackie are pretty much best friends." He said, yelping when Seaspray smacked the back of his helm. "Okay... we're both his best friend.."

Ratchet chuckled in amusement at the wreckers, his gaze wandering over to where Wheeljack was sitting against a wall, sharpening his katanas while they were propped up on his knee. He thanked Seaspray and Bulkhead before taking a deep breath and walking over to Wheeljack.

Wheeljack glanced up when he saw Ratchet coming over, a wide grin appearing on his face. "Hey Doc, what's up?"

Ratchet stiffened at the nickname, giving Wheeljack a slight glare but ultimately letting it pass for now. He sighed and leaned against the wall, looking down at the wrecker. "I.... I just wanted to thank you for... for the gift..... I really liked it..."

The medic then swore he saw a hint of a blush on Wheeljack's face, but maybe he was just seeing things.

"Really? I'm glad." Wheeljack replied, an even brighter smile on his face. He pat the ground beside him with his hand and gestured for Ratchet to sit down. "Why don't you stay awhile? We're gonna go to Ol Maccadam's bar after we're done skirmishing here if you would like to come."

Ratchet smiled slightly and sat down, thinking about it for a moment. "I'd love to." His spark made the decision before his mind did and he hoped it was a good choice.

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