Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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"You really thought that I would fall for that trick? That I would just waltz in here, unassuming and unsuspecting that the god, the supposed equal power to me didn't have a trick up their sleeve?!" Kcalb's voice boomed throughout the ruined fortress.
His echos were so powerful that as he continued to speak, the walls that were barely kept up due to battle damage just effortlessly swayed; showering anyone who still inhabited it with a thick layer of dirt, and dust.
"I-I—" Etihw choked out, having being under Kcalb with a still tightening grip on their throat, if this kept up, this world would be run by a lonely devil.
"Oh no! I won't allow you to use your sharp tongue against me this time. In fact... my dear Etihw," a pause as he stopped to listen to his own echo "I'll just have to fix that about you in the next life."
Etihw's eyes widened as they felt their skin grow cold and goosebumps form, the cold wind blew as they just stared in each other's eyes.
Kcalb's eyes reflected those of a mad man who had snapped; a sadistic glare that intensified the more you gazed into them.
Etihw looked petrified, there was only one more thing to try and even then it would have its grave consequences. The man that Etihw once knew was far from gone and this was the end for them. Their mouth kept closed for as long as they possibly could before the silence took over and there was only one more thing to say.
The drip of a shower's past reminded the two of the bloody battle that was just fought.
Kcalb chuckled and barred his fangs, bringing them closer to Etihw's neck, ready to sink his teeth into anything that bled.
"It's a shame really... That you couldn't see things our way. I guess there is only one more thing to do to you before you die"
With no hesitation Kcalb flipped etihw on their stomach and took a fistful of feathers and pulled, bones popped, flesh tore, and the stench of blood filled the room once more. With a sickening wet noise and crack Etihw was bound to the ground forever.
A bloodcurdling scream erupted from Etihw and the next wing was taken from their body. They were completely paralyzed from the pain and with every movement inside of their body they throbbed.
Blood poured and attracted the fangs of the devil, he took a bite and was taken over by the taste and head-rush of power from consuming his counterpart. 
With no more power and barely any consciousness left Etihw did the only thing they could think of.
'Maybe this time things won't turn out the same?' an innocent and last thought spoke out in Etihw's mind.
The sound of a spell being casted snapped Kcalb out of his hysterical state, his eyes dilated and he'd known this spell all too well. It almost got him but a few moments ago. The ground under Etihw disappeared and they had both begun to fall, as quickly as it started it was finished. The portal closed as soon as Etihw had run out of all strength, but the struggle was pointless.
The only thing that remained in that world was Kcalb and a dismembered hand that once belonged to the God of this world.
For a long while he silently stared blankly at the floor below from up near the ceiling, his wings fully extended and keeping him from touching the ground. If Etihw had successfully taken Kcalb's wings and overpowered him this would have ended a lot differently. Instead there was only one living thing left on this little world and it was all worth it.
"Finally..." Kcalb sighed and slowly drifted down to the floor, touching where Etihw was just a few moments ago.
"You were willing to take yourself out just to keep me locked away. Eti, you are a fool." Kcalb spat poison with his words as his soft gaze turned into a sinister glare. After a few moments laughter came from the ruins and the building shook with Kcalb's sanity.
"Finally! I'm free..." He lifted a hand to touch his face, wiping off the blood, he decided to turn this into the domain of Kcalb, ruled entirely by a Devil; no gods were necessary.
Before Kcalb began his construction of his new world he decided to take a walk to clear his mind and plan for what would go where. On his stroll he stepped on all the corpses of all of the fallen demons and angels, not one survived until—
"K-Kca... lb"
Kcalb's thoughts were rudely interrupted by one of his straggler's. A red and green demon with thick red framed glasses.
"You're still alive...?" Kcalb's eyes narrowed and he looked most unamused, he wanted to start everything from scratch. He had no need for a memory of the past to follow him around and haunt him. With no hesitation, he knelt in front of his comrade and caressed his now lifeless cheek, taking the essence from his body fueling power into his system.
"Now then, everything is dead... I can rebuild my empire," he sighed and rubbed his temples to stimulate his brain "oh, but what to build, where to build, how to execute these ideas?"
Kcalb chimed to himself, taking a blood-soaked handkerchief out of his coat's inner pocket and using it to wipe the rest of the excess filth off of his face.

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