Nate stuck his hand out and Jake shook it firmly, very firmly, making a statement and marking his territory.

"Nate," Jake said with a curt nod of his head. Nate nodded back but didn't say a word.

"Well, now that that's done, Nate, follow me and I'll show you to your room. Jake, I'll talk with you in a minute." Then she turned and started into the house with Nate sauntering along behind her.

She him led through the ornate, old front door and up the small flight of wood stairs, careful of the small stack of boxes that lay at the landing. She stopped at a closed door, pushing it open and motioning for him to go inside.

"What are all those boxes for?" he asked, looking down at them.

"They're just some of Joe's things. I thought I should put them away for a little while." She turned away from them and rapped on the door to get his attention. "This will be your room. If you need anything, just let me know."

When she would have walked away, Nate caught her arm and stopped her. Her words were sobering and he sensed that she was having a harder time than she let on. He needed to be kind with her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause trouble before."

She nodded, looking down at his hand still holding her arm. He let her go and stepped back, his hand tingling from the touch of her skin. He'd have to be dead not to feel the spark between them.  He watched her hurry back down the stairs and outside to the other man who was waiting.  Nate shook his head and closed the door behind him. Trouble. This was going to be pure trouble. He sighed, trying to ignore the stir of excitement he felt.

Emily slowed her walk as she approached Jake. His look was a stern one as he watched her come towards him.

"Who is he?" he asked when she leaned against the wooden porch gate.

"He's going to be staying for awhile," she explained matter-of-factly. She hadn't thought about Jake when she had agreed to Nate's offer for help. At least not at how Jake would react. Not that it matters, she told herself as she squared her shoulders and toughened up for the fight that lay ahead.

"What for?" He was angry. She wasn't at all surprised.

"He's going to help around the ranch for the next two weeks."

"You've got me for that!" Jake cried, his hands going to his hips.

"I can't depend on you Jake, that's not fair to you. I don't expect you to help me all the time. You've got your own life to live."

"Oh, come on, Em, you know that I'd do anything for you," he began but she held up her hand and shook her head.

"No Jake. I'm paying Nate for his help--"

"By letting him sleep in your house!" he cut in and she knew exactly what he was thinking.

"You watch it, Jake Rivers!" she retorted sharply. "You've got no hold on me or my children and you better remember that. And don't you ever insult me like that again."

Jake sighed, dropping his head forward and shaking it slowly. "Don't do this, Em, I told you that I'd marry you and take care of you and the kids."

"I can't marry you, Jake, I can't marry anyone right now. I don't even know where my husband is," she declared with a sigh.

"I'm not going to stand by and let this man swindle his way into the family," Jake stated loudly as he headed for the door. He wanted to be heard. "Where is he!" he demanded as he went inside and started down the hall.

Nate had just started towards the front porch after hearing the raised voices. He wanted to be sure that Emily was okay. Just as he saw that she was fine, he felt a fist connect with his jaw. He stumbled back and caught himself before he fell to the ground. His hand came up to rub his stinging chin as he set his eyes on the man who had delivered the punch.

"What was that for!" he shouted as he jumped to his feet, his hands now fists at his sides. He was a bigger man, taller and slightly broader than Jake and both Jake and Emily noticed this immediately. But Jake didn't back down. He stood straighter and eyed Nate.

"I want you to leave," he seethed.

Emily stepped forward between the two men and faced Jake. Nate watched, nearly laughing at the sight of her small rigid frame shaking with anger as she pointed up at Jake, who was a good two feet taller than her.

"And I want you to leave, Jake. Now!" she shouted when Jake didn't move. His eyes dropped to her in a longing stare.

"I believe the lady gave you an order," Nate began but Emily put her hand up to him to silence him without taking her eyes off Jake. Nate shrugged his shoulders and took a step back. Let her handle it if she wants, he thought to himself.

"Leave, Jake," she repeated. "You can come back when you're going to be civil and keep a hold of that head of yours, and maybe practice a little self control."

"Fine," Jake snapped as he spun on his heel and headed out the door, never once looking back. He jumped on his horse and galloped away, sending a spiral of dust behind him.

"Great, just great," Emily muttered under her breath. Nate watched as Emily's shoulders slumped and her small form sagged.

"You okay?" he asked. She just shook her head and turned towards the kitchen. Nate followed. "What was that all about?"

"Want some coffee?" she asked, ignoring his question completely.

Nate sat down at the table. His question could wait. "Sounds good."

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