C h a p t e r S i x | T r a i n i n g

Start from the beginning

"What.. are we.. going to do now?" Ty tried formulating a sentence, but stopped in between to take breaths. "I promise the running is the hardest part. I'm just going to teach you the basics of punching," Jerome hopped excitedly, adrenaline running in his veins. "Let me set up some punching bags."

Jerome ran off leaving Ty to his own devices as he set up some stuff. He straightened himself and took a glance at what's around him. Inside the palace, they had a small training facility for their own personal use. While a bigger facility exists outside the palace, it's primarily for training the army rather than themselves. For efficiency, having their own work out place keeps them in shape and on top of things. A big mirror stretches from wall to wall, bouncing back the reflection of the room behind him. There's shelves stacked with swords of different varieties on the far left along with a door leading to a back room with other supplies inside. The lights beamed down on him making the tight space a lot warmer than he expected. Otherwise, it had a very beige welcoming atmosphere, even considering on using it himself every once in awhile.

Jerome finished setting up a punching bag and called Ty over. Ty saw him from the mirror and walked right over to him, excited to begin after a short break. "First, show me how you make your fist." Ty brought his left hand up and balled it into a fist, thumb over the four finger knuckles. Jerome observed and shook his head. "Uh, no. That is a very common assumption, but you risk feeling the impact on your thumb and you don't want that."

"Don't you feel the impact anyway because you're physically hitting someone?" Ty questioned, confused about the differences. "Yeah, but not as much. The point is to inflict more damage on your enemy, less on yourself. You wouldn't want to break your hand now, right?" Ty agreed, shivering at the pain breaking a hand would feel like. Jerome grabbed Ty's hand and moved it very slightly to the right position. "You want your thumb only over your index and middle finger knuckles. That way it's a tighter grip, you wouldn't feel the impact, and you're thumbs out of harms way."

"That's so cool," Ty played around, balling his hands into the position Jerome placed the left one in. "I know right! It'll become second nature and you'll be kicking butt in no time," Jerome squeaked excitedly. Ty could feel his confidence rise simply by knowing such little details. He's still afraid he'll fail as a leader and a friend, but baby steps seem like the right thing going forward. Jerome walked around Ty to get a better view of him next to the punching bag, being able to see his other side with the mirror. "Now, get some good punches out of the bag here."

Ty turned to see the bag and back at his fist, trying to figure out how exactly to go about punching it. He balled his fist the right way and swung at the bag, barely getting a light sway from it. Jerome awkwardly laughed from Ty's sad display of fighting skill. "Uh, can you try punching it harder? Please, don't hold back!" Jerome attempted to motivate him. Ty nodded and tried swinging at it again, clenching his fist tighter and swaying the back farther back than the first try. "See, that was already better!" Jerome exclaimed. "Go again. Imagine this punching bag just stole your kidney and you want it back."

"What?" Ty glared at him from the mirror, snickering at his comment. "You know what I mean, punch it harder." Ty rolled his shoulders back as he prepared to punch it again. He took some steps back to get a running start and jolted forward with his arms swung back. He quickly brought his fist forward and punched the bag once more, making it sway down almost touching the floor. Ty smiled, proud of himself for managing to hit harder than he thought he could. "Jerome, I did it! I-" Ty celebrated too early and didn't realize Newtons laws were in place, getting bonked on the head by the punching bag swinging back at him. He collapsed to the floor and grabbed his head, groaning and rubbing where the punching bag hit him.

Jerome walked over to the swaying punching bag and stopped it from moving. He sighed, understanding Ty's level of combat and knowing there's so much to be done to get him combat ready. "He just ran off with your kidney."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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