Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

I've finally found Rito village and immediately settled myself down. I have to admit, Rito village is indeed a lovely place, just like I've imagined it. All the Ritos are so amazing people (birds? I don't know if I can call them people!) Some of them I've already talked to and they're really nice. But, still, there are some that don't trust me, because I just showed up from nowhere, saying that I'll live here from now on, but I don't blame them. The weather is still terrible though. It was raining all day and the wind blasted through the valley. And you can bet that it is dam cold up here, but there's no need to worry for me, since I have warm poison with me and warm clothes.

Well, as you know, there's a reason why I came here to Rito village. Not only to get to know their culture, no, it's because of my latest invention! I have been working on it for a while, but I just couldn't do any progress on it at my home village and so I decided to went to Rito village, where I hopefully be able to create my masterpiece. I really hope I'll find a way to put it into reality. First I wanted to look around at this peculiar place and as I did, I noticed a Rito, flying past me. He landed not far away from me, next to three other Ritos and talked with them. At first I just watched them and considered these beings. Ritos truly are beautiful creatures, not only for their appearance....well...actually because of their appearance...but you know what I mean! As I watched them I noticed that my eyes slid to the wings of the Ritos. I literally stared at them in admiration. I does it feel to be able to fly.... that might be the actual reason why I admire Ritos so much. They can fly. Imagine! They can fly wherever they want to go! Isn't that a wonderful ability? Then, suddenly I noticed that I've been staring too always... and so I decided to walked away to the highest spot of the village (Don't know why I did it, but I just wanted to since I had nothing better to do and I love climbing). When I reached it, I sat down, put out my sketch block and started to draw down my new ideas for new inventions! I had noticed that some Ritos watched me from underneath the high cliff, wondering what I've been doing up there. Well, but I didn't cared, I mean I also would be interested in someone who showed up from nowhere that said she'll live here from now on and is sitting on the highest spot of the village, drawing. After a long time of working on designing and planning my new babies the sun went down and I had notice that It was getting dark already. I put my block to the side to enjoy the last warm sunbeams shining on my face. Dreamy I looked into the distance whit desire to walk into the sun, into the horizon, into a world where everything is better. Typical me, always daydreaming. As the sun was already gone and most Ritos went to bed, I still was sitting on the edge of the cliff while the cold winter wind flew through my hair, which made me freeze. It really is cold here at the south of Hyrule and the wind is really terrible. Maybe it was a bad idea to move into Rito village. If it is cold already in summer, how will it be.... when it is WINTER! Yeah...I'm not the smartest girl in town. After a while I noticed that one of the Rito, the one who flew passed me, watched me sitting there in the cold from the distance. I don't know how I should explain it, but he had something odd about him. He had an unpleasant atmosphere and as I saw his emotion he wore on his face, a shiver ran over my back. With pure arrogance and his head raced up in the air, he considered me. And I swear, I had seen a hint of disdain in his eyes. It creeped me out a bit, so I just decided to stand up and take my stuff back to the cave I've found when I came to this village. I have changed it into a house where you can live in and into a workshop. My workshop. After I arrived there I threw my block on one of my tables and jumped into by bed to sleep. So, that was practically all I did today....and it's so dam cold here!!!!

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