“Naru-kun it’s all about balance, you’re using too much chakra on this small of a tree. You need to use less, focus on feeling your chakra and pushing it down to your feet. However just enough not too much.” I explained and it seemed like a light bulb went off for him because he yelled thanks and ran for the tree. Watching him, he focused almost seeming to strain himself. His eyes flew open and he bolted for the tree, running Naruto made it even higher than before. He didn’t make it to the top, but he was a lot closer.

          Smiling I stood up and made my way back to Tazuna’s. ‘I know Uncle asked me to keep an eye on them, but they were almost done and didn’t need me there.’ Reaching the house I helped Tsunami prepare dinner.

          A little later Uncle, Tazuna, and Sakura came back with Sakura immediately ran upstairs. Finished preparing dinner I set the table and both men sat down. Naruto and Sasuke walked in a minute later holding each other up.

          “We finally made it to the top.” Naruto said grinning, Sasuke came over and sat next to me at the table. Eating dinner Naruto wouldn’t stop bragging about making it to the top of the tree, all in all it was a peaceful dinner.

          Getting up Sasuke and I went upstairs, we were going to sit on the roof like usual but I wanted my sketchbook to draw Sasuke. Opening the door I froze when Sakura was holding my book looking through it. Sasuke looked over and glared at Sakura, “Put it down Sakura.” Sasuke growled, shaking her head she grabbed a page and held it up, it was the one that I made up of Sasuke smiling. Looking upset she ripped the picture out of the book tearing it in half in the process, and it felt like I just lost a piece of me. I never removed pages ever, emotions and memories were sealed in each picture. I felt a whimper slip out of my mouth, and I fell to the floor staring blankly at the book on the ground.

          Suddenly Sasuke was in front of her, he snatched the picture out of her hands and picked up the book from the floor. Sakura called out to him as he turned and made his way over to me. Helping me up, we made our way to the roof ignoring Sakura calling Sasuke back.

          Sitting down he pulled me onto his lap while I held my book and torn page. I opened the book to where the page was ripped and traced the torn end of the picture. Taking the picture Sasuke examined it, “I don’t remember this when did it happen?” He asked quietly, I had to clear my throat to speak. “You didn’t this was before our exam, I just made up what you might have looked like.” Laying the picture back in the book he closed it.

          “Don’t worry about it, it’s staying in the book and when we get back maybe we can have someone put it back together?” Shrugging I gave Sasuke a kiss on the cheek before standing up. “You need sleep, you worked hard today.”

          Heading back down stairs Sasuke pulled me into his and Naruto’s room. “I don’t want you near her tonight.” Sasuke explained handing me one of his shirts, blushing I nodded and quickly went into the bathroom to change. Walking back in Sasuke had taken off his shirt and was laying down. Blushing more I slowly curled up beside him, ignoring Naruto’s snores.

          Sasuke wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close he shut his eyes. Doing the same Sasuke’s even breathing and heartbeat lulled me to sleep.

          I woke up the next morning to someone playing with my hair, slowly opening my eyes I was met with black ones. Blushing I sat up and turned away from him, hearing a light chuckle I turned back to Sasuke to see him smirking. “Your blush is cute.” He said kissing the side of my head he then stood up and left the room, probably to the bathroom.

          I made my way back to my room sighing in relief when Sakura wasn’t there. Grabbing clothes I quickly changed, heading into the now empty bathroom. After using the bathroom and brushing my teeth I went downstairs to see everyone at the table.

          Ignoring Sakura I sat next to Sasuke who was glaring at her, I felt him slide his hand onto my knee squeezing it. Eating my usual breakfast of a couple onigiri, I excused myself and went outside. A couple minutes later I heard Naruto yelling followed by Inari, Tazuna’s grandson, running from the house. Ignoring me he ran to the end of the dock and started crying. Making my way over to him, he didn’t notice me until I sat down.

          After sitting there for a couple minutes Inari finally spoke, “Why do you guys care what happens to us? You’re going to get yourselves killed.” Looking out over the water I smiled a little. “We’re ninja we care about our friends, if someone I cared about was in danger I wouldn’t think twice about sacrificing myself for them. It might not be brave but it’s what we do, we fight to protect those close to us.”

          “Naruto is lucky he doesn’t have parents, he doesn’t know what it’s like to lose someone close to him.” “Naruto might not have parents but because you do you have something to protect, it should make you stronger. Instead you cry and complain while we put our lives on the line for you, which is worse I wonder?”

          With that I stood up and joined the team minus Naruto who still had to rest, and headed out with Tazuna towards the bridge. When we arrived we were all shocked to see all the workers knocked out on the ground. Tazuna tried to run to them but I grabbed his arm and yanked him back behind me.

          A mist started forming as I pulled out my staff, Sasuke pulled out a kunai and got ready for an attack. Uncle pulled up his headband revealing the Sharingan looking for Zabuza.

          Suddenly five water clones of Zabuza surrounded us, extending my staff I stepped closer to Tazuna sensing Zabuza along with the boy from before. Stepping from the mist Zabuza smiled. “Well look who’s finally here Haku?”

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