(Hikari's POV-)

I was already at the auditorium where the competition was going to take place. It was 4 pm already and I felt very nervous. I saw that Mom and Dad very already sitting in the audience. I was taking looks at the entrance door to see if Aiba-san and others are coming or not. I received a message from Aiba-san suddenly.

'I will reach on time. Don't be nervous. Sorry that others won't be able to come. But I will definitely arrive before your performance.' *thumbs up emoji*

I smiled at the message.

After a while the competition started. There were total 15 participants. I was at number 8. Later, I was at the backstage so I was not able to confirm whether Aiba-san came or not.

Finally, my turn came and I entered the stage. My heartbeats were fast and I was a bit nervous. Then I saw specific person sitting in the audience.

It was Aiba-san.

He was wearing a black tuxedo. I smiled. Somehow, I felt relaxed. Seeing his smile, my nervousness kinda vanished.

I bowed and started my performance.

Aiba's POV-

Finally, it was Hikari-chan's turn. She seemed nervous when she came on the stage. Her eyes were scanning through the audience. She smiled and it was when her eyes met mine. I smiled at her. Her smile seemed more genuine now. She bowed and started her performance.

She was looking beautiful in that blue dress she was wearing with a constant smile on her lips. I could not take my eyes off her. The moment she started playing the violin, I closed my eyes. I wanted to feel the music and when I close my eyes I feel it straight in my heart.

The music was amazing. It was fast but felt sad. It seemed like she wanted to say something she can never say. Like someone had sealed her lips and she is telling her feelings by the music. It was so deep. My eyes were still closed. I felt somewhat close to her. Tear drops made way out of my eyes.

And then I suddenly opened my eyes when I heard applause. The performance was over. She bowed to everyone and thanked for listening her performance. I started applauding for her. She is amazing. I hoped whatever she wanted to tell may have reached the correct person.

All the performances ended one by one. All of them were so much amazing. The results were going to announce.

I prayed to God to let her win.

"So, it is now time to announce the winner." The announcer announced. "Judges, please tell us the winner."

"The runner up is-Naruse Hikari-san!" the judge announced. There were lots applauses.

I was happy she got the runner up position but she wasn't happy. There was a smile on her face as she came in front on the stage but it was not her genuine smile.

They awarded her with a memento.

She thanked and bowed and then stood back. They announced the winner and were awarding her when Hikari-chan looked sadly in the audience. I followed her gaze and I guess they were her parents. Her father probably angrily left his seat and started to get outside and her mother was following him with a worried face.

I didn't understand anything but her sad face told me something is not good with her and her father.

After the program was over, I went to her backstage.

"Hikari-chan!" I called her out.

"Aiba-san!" she came near me. "Thank you for coming!" she smiled at me but her real smile was lost somewhere.

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