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The whole family was eating breakfast at a round little table. Jacob was eating eggs and bacon with a biscuit on the side of the plate, and so was Zara and the two kids. "After dinner," Said Zara. "You two should really go explore the house together, it's huge!" Emily took a bite of the biscuit. "Okay, mom." Tim finished his food, and left the table. He walked up the stairs, and into his room. He sat down on his bed, waiting for Emily to finish eating. After a minute, she walked into his room. "Tim, come look at what I just found!" She said excitedly. Tim got off his bed and followed her down the hall way. Emily pointed to a trapdoor in the ceiling, with a small cord attached to it.

"Wait," Said Tim. "Does that lead to the attic?" Emily nodded in response. She pulled on the cord as the trapdoor opened, and a ladder unfolded from it. Emily grinned, climbing up the ladder. Halfway up it, she looked at Tim. "You coming?" She continued climbing. Tim started to climb when she was all the way up. The attic was dark, with cobwebs all over the place, and that was it. Nothing else was in the attic, except for a "Jack in a Box" in the middle of the floor.

Emily walked over to the box, and crouched down. It was decorated with brightly colored patters all over it. She didn't touch the box at all, just looked at it. Just then, the flap on top of the box shot open, as a black and ghostly, arm shot out of it. The hand grabbed onto the floor, as another hand shot out from the other side, and also grabbed the floor. The hands had insanely sharp claws on them. Then a head with glowing red eyes, emerged from the Jack in a Box. The creature pulled itself from out of the box, it's legs emerging from within.

The creature stood high above the children. It was all black and skinny, and had glowing red eyes like a demon. It's claws could, without a doubt, rip through human skin. The creature stood still, looking at the children, when all of a sudden, it's mouth opened. Rows of sharp teeth shined from the light coming from the window in the attic. It took a step closer. The children took a step back. Emily looked down at the hatch that they got into the attic from. Emily opened up the hatch, quickly climbing down the ladder. Tim started to climb down the ladder, before taking one last look into the attic. The thing stood there, looking at him with his sharp teeth. Tim climbed all the way down the ladder, and closed the hatch.

The children ran to there parents and told them what happened. Zara and Jacob, of course, didn't believe their children. They told them just not to think of it, and go do something else besides bother them about some stupid monster living in the attic. Upset, the children each went to their rooms and tried not to think of what just happened.

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