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Emily spun around, to see a window behind them! Emily pulled up the window, but it wouldn't go up enough for Her or Tim to fit through it. Tim pulled on Emily's shirt. "She's getting closer!" And she was, Only a few feet away, taking one step at a time, as if she wanted them to escape, and was just scaring them for an unknown reason. She pushed up harder, as it creaked and went up a little more. She took another step. Emily pushed up more, as it creaked open a little. "Tim! Go!" Yelled Emily. Tim crawled through the tight space, and rolled out onto a flat part of the roof. Emily put her head through, forcing the window to go up a little more.

Emily then felt a searing pain in her ankle, and felt blood running down it. She screamed in pain, as she quickly squeezed through the window, falling onto the roof. She quickly shut the window, trapping Zara inside. Emily looked around, realizing that the rest of the roof was to steep to climb. Just then, Zara started to lift up the window. Emily looked at Tim. "You have to jump." Tim looked over the edge of the roof. It wasn't a far fall, and was better then being stabbed to death. He jumped, and hit the ground. Tim landed on his arm, and slightly hurt it, but not to much.

Emily looked down at Tim. She jumped. She fell to the ground next to Tim, as she stood up with barely any injuries. She and Tim ran over to Mary's parents house. She knocked on the door, as Mary's dad, Joe, answered the door. Emily told Joe that she needed to call the cops, so Joe hurried and got the phone, handing it to Emily. She dialed 911, and held it to her ear.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"My mom, she has a knife and was trying to kill me and my brother."
"What is your address?"
"Barlest, Massachusetts, 64001."
"Okay, stay on the phone. And do you your dad with you right now?"
Emily looked at Tim, "No, I don't know where he is."
"Hm, okay. Police should be there any minute."
A few minutes later, five police cars pulled up in the Layton's house. Emily handed Joe the phone, as they ran over to their own house. One of the officers looked at Tim and Emily. "Who are you?" He asked. "The kids who called, we were at our neighbors house, calling you guys." The cop nodded. "And your mom is in the house?" Emily nodded yes.

Fearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें