Chapter 6

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Me, Sylvie and Aymara were slowly walking to Lila's house. There was a long silence until Aymara starting mumbling.
"How long are we gonna walk for?"
" There it is!!!! Lila's house!! "I shout out.
" Finally... Its like it took aaaaaagges!! Man... " Sylvie grumbled
We walked up to the door and ring the door bell. Me hear footsteps in the distance.
I startle as I heard a girls creepy laugh behind my back. As I was creeping out, the palm, nice door opened slowly. An old lady was taking our visit. She asked us.
" Hello! What bring u hear? "
" Oh! Um... We are here see Lila? Is she at home? Because I left my worksheet in her room yesterday... " Sylvie speaks as she lies to the nice old lady. But I knew it was for getting knowing where can Lila possibly be.
" Ok! Lila is not here. But u can ran up the stairs and get your worksheet from her room! I hope she wouldn't mind! "
" Thank u so much!! " Sylvie thanked the old lady.
All of us walk in the lovely, calm house. There was a living room straight ahead. We take our shoes off and started walking up the old, squeaky stairs. It annoyed me.....
As we got to Lila's house, all of us took a deep breathe as Sylvie started opening the door.
As she was opening, a bunch of different dark types of birds suddenly flew at our faces.
" Aaaaah!! " I shouted as I felt the crowns beaks eating me.
I tried all my best to stop these birds, as I felt a big woosh of strong wind blew across my face. I closed eyes and protected my body from the cold. As I opened my eyes, I saw Aymara standing near the door, one of her arms were sticking up. Me and Sylvie stood there, speechless. We were shocked, as a thought came through my head.
"--- Is she gonna be gone just like my other friends?! -- "
I stood there shaking, hoping that she will not be taken just like the others. Sylvie quickly ran up to Aymara asking if she was ok. She told her that she felt a bit dizzy, but she is ok. All of the sudden, I felt a breathing near my right ear. I quickly turn around. No one. Sylvie and Aymara looked confused and worried at me. Sylvie walked up to me and gave me a shake. I look at her and nod, knowing that she was asking if I was fine.
She takes her hand off my shoulder and walks into Lila's room. Happily, the old lady didn't hear anything, since I can hear her watching the TV. I walked in the room with Aymara at the same time. We looked around until we saw Sylvie staring at something. We walk up to her, I what we saw was quite unbelievable. We saw blood drops, they were leading to the window. I wasn't really sure if it was human blood or birds blood. But the blood looked like it was from yesterday.
" That's.... Lila's blood.... " Aymara said with a worrying look.
" How can u be sure?! " Sylvie yelled at Aymara as her eyes widen up. I swear that i saw something behind Sylvie's back. Aymara takes a breathe and starts to talk
" Well... How to explain.... I just saw a vision of Lila being taken away through this window.... and they had to hurt her in order to take her.... Because she summoned those birds.... "
" How did u ... Know this? "I asked with a strange look
" I dont know ok?! Urgh.... I feel so dizzy.... Can I go home? I want to get some rest... "
" Let's go home... We have nothing to see here anymore... "

Me, Sylvie and Aymara started walking out of Lilas room. We were sure that this happened same with Holly and Lizzy. As we walked down, we put our boots and shoes on and said thank u and goodbye to the nice old lady. All the way home we were all silent. I hope Aymara isnt gonna gone just the others.

21:43 At home

I had a lovely dinner with my mother, we would usually talk to each other, but this time we were very quiet. When i finished, i grabbed my plate and started washing it. I heard my mother mumbling something but i couldnt read what she saids. I guess she had a very stressful day today, but she wouldnt be that quiet and mumbling something under her nose. My mother would normally speak to me or would say that she had one. Something is off. I finished washing my dish and sat down across the table, looking at her with a worrying look. 

" Hey Mum? Are u ok? "

" Yeah, im fine..... Just give me some time alone..... "

" Are u sure Mum? U are not acting yourself..... "

Echo in the mirrors:  War Against The Mad Monsters And Powerful PeopleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz