Chapter 4

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After school 15:12
I was standing near the gates, waiting for my friends to walk with them home. Before that, my mother let me to go to Lila's house, to play with her birrrrrds. I love them so much!!!! They are such cute creatures!!!
As I was day dreaming, I heard Lila and the others shout my name out.
" Anna!!! Sorry that it took us long!! "
Lila shouted as she was walking up to me. I smile in response and say
" Its ok Lila! So.... Ready to go? "
" Yeah!!! Let's go!!! "
" Sure Lila is exited!" Grace said, giving a chuckle to everyone.

2 hours later and going home
I was slowly walking home, I heard some footsteps behind. I turned around and saw Millie running up to me shouting
" Anna!!!! Wait for me!!!! "
I stop and wait for her to catch up with me. I started slowly walking forward. She catched up, took a breathe and asked
" Yo! So..... Are u going dancing today with me? "
" Yeah of course!!!! Why wouldn't I?! "
" I just thought u would take a break from you're problems "
As she was talking, I was already near my house, where I can my mother cooking something in the kitchen.
" Nah! I'm fine! I'll go and change ok? See ya later! "
" Ok!!! See ya!!! "

15 minutes later
I walked out from my house and saw Millie standing listening to music and waiting for me. I walk on my tip toes quietly as I jump right next to her
" Oh my god!!! "
She quickly turns around and sees me standing there smiling, ready to run.
" Oh my god..... Anna please don't do that again! "
" Sorry!! I won't do it again I promise!!!!!" As I say that, I think ( yeah sure that I'm not gonna do that 😆 )
We slowly started walking and stated heading to our dancing club, both putting some music to listen to.

3 hours later
I came back from home, feeling my legs are literally dying. I open the door and out for my mother.
" Mum!!! I'm home!! "
" Oh!!!! Hi honey!! Dinner is nearly done like in 5 minutes! "
She said that as I was climbing up he stairs, walking like a zombie.
" Ok Mum!!! Ill come down in a minute! "
I walked up to my room, holding the handle, as i slowly open it. I stand there few seconds and fall down on my bed..... I didn't realize as I fall asleep, undressed. As I open my eyes, and see myself in the blank empty void....... Again...... Hearing the voices going in a echo......

* my mothers POV. Lol
I waited for my daughter to come down and have dinner with me. At the end, I lost all my patience and started walking up the stairs. I open her door and see her on her bed. As I walk up to her, I saw that she was asleep. I change her clothes and lie her down in her bed, covering her with her warm blanket. I slowly walked out, closing the door quietly as I could, hoping not to wake her up.
I go down the stairs, and eat the dinner without Anna.

Back to Anna's pov
I get up quickly, looking if someone is behind me. Nothing. I stood up on my dead legs and taking a deep breathe .... Ready to see anything...... I heard the echo's going louder and louder. I stood on my place..... Since this nightmare is the we as the others.... Well..... I think that way.....
I heard a breathe behind my back, I shiver and look back. Nothing..... I started walking forward...... Going into no where......
It took like 5 minutes of walking, until I hear crying in the distance.... I quickly stand on guard, ready for nothing. I look around in panic, as I saw a glitched piece of other world, my real world. There were 3 girls sitting on a cold and blank floor..... It looked like it was some sort of a lab. Two of them were crying, screaming for help, asking someone to free them from something, but the other one didn't, I could see her smile, creeping under her black hair. That smile was instantly remind of the stitched girl, that threatened me with her knife, wanting to kill me. As I was looking, the room instantly gone with red bloody marks on the wall, the girls were without their heads and arms, and the girl was staring at me, looking through me. Her eyes were completely black, her tears were black and empty too. The room was screaming with horrific laugh that was coming from the girl. I saw hand bloody prints and a message on the wall saying
"YoU diD thIS To theM "
I shiver from fear and take a step back, as I suddenly felt a hand touching my shoulder, as the room instantly disappeared leaving only some bloody glitched pieces lying on the floor. I cry and shake, hoping that I am not gonna be killed. As I hear a low voiced man speaking to me saying
" Say young lady...... "
As he kneels his head forward to my ear, saying
" Was it nice to play with my daughter? "
As he said that, I felt him stabbing me through my weak painful chest. I cry even more, too painful even to scream, as I realize that I was crying with black tears. He pulls out the knife, quickly, as I fall down on the floor, lying like a seal. Crying, wanting to scream my mother out. He stands there sharing at me, saying
" Now are gonna feel the pain that my daughter has gone through.... Hahahahahahahahaha......"
He laughed with a horrible laugh, it was going into an echo. I felt my eyes going black again, filling with black tears, as slowly, my eyes started to be completely black, until I couldn't see anything.... And voices started to be what they are saying...... They were saying in a echo.......
I wake in my bed, staring at my ceiling. I quickly sit up and grab my shirt, taking ten deep breathes. I get off the bed and try to walk up to my table. But I fail. I look up to my clock, it was only 21:45. I sit up, and start talking to my self
" Why me? What the hell is happening to me? Who was that girl? Daughter? Daughter who?  The f is going on?! Who was that man? Is it.... Related to Sylvie's dream? I can't be sure if anyone else had it...... Maybe someone else had that nightmare too...... So many question and no answers..... What the f? .... * sign ....... I should write it down.... Maybe something will add up in the next night..... "
I get up, take a empty notebook, and started to write about my nightmares from yesterday and today.... It took Mr like 10 minutes of writing, when I finished, I put the book in my locking drawer, and locked it with my key. I put my key a string and put it around my neck. I looked in my mirror, and what I saw was horrible. I didn't feel it, but I had blood stains on my white shirt, under my eyes were tear black stains. I jump, couple of seconds later, I ran to the bathroom, washing my face with cold water. I take if the shirt, make hot water and started to wash the blood stains. As I finish, I put another shirt that I grabbed before going to the bathroom. I look up at the mirror, before even putting the completely, I saw a mark in my chest. That mark was from the nightmare. He stabbed me...... But I just saw some more marks around that one. They were from the previous nightmare that I had.
" What the hell?! Shit........ I bet I need some explanation to my mother.... What the f is going on? "
I put the shirt down, as I walk out the bathroom. I walked out of my room, hoping hearing my mother in the kitchen. My house was in deep silence, I look around and hear my mother already sleeping in her room.
I took a breathe, happy that my mother is ok. I walk down the stairs, and out some food for myself. I take a seat and started eating.

Echo in the mirrors:  War Against The Mad Monsters And Powerful PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now