Chapter 1 Nightmare

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I open my eyes slowly, collecting my sleeping thoughts all together. My eyes widen up as I realized that I am in a black, empty void, full of unknown dead silence.
"Oh god....Not this again....."As I thought it, it gave me a crawl on my back.
I slowly got up and took a deep breath, stood for unknown amount of time and started thinking about my day before i fell asleep.
"Breakfast, school, dinner...... nothing wrong happening today right? This usually happens when something really bad happens right? I didn't do anything wrong...." I thought carefully. Putting my hand on my chin, looking down the floor, thinking.
A sudden flashback from my other nightmares give me a chill around my body. They can't stop flowing around my head. I start panicking thinking that this nightmare can be the same as the others. I take a gulp, breathe deeply, and starting walking, not knowing where I am going. Suddenly I felt some breathing behind my back. I looked around in panic, shaking my head like a helicopter, fear that something might be behind my back.
" Nothing. I did felt it. I know I felt it! Please.... Can't u just come out all ready?" I said, in a begging voice, hoping for this to stop. I started walking faster, my heart started pumping faster and faster. The thought of what is going on and whats gonna happen to me hunts me down. I started hearing the echoes of the footsteps nearby. The chill around my body can't stop. I feel like I am losing my sanity, thinking about what is the creature gonna do to me. But I have to stay determined and not lose my sanity, or that creature... What ever it is.... Will do something to me. I started walking the same speed as before, as I calm down. All of the sudden, I started to see words, flickering and glitching in front if me, saying
"Don't turn around.... Keep goingKeep walking!"
I stepped back as I read those words, as suddenly the walls started to shrink into more slim, but long and creepy, mysterious corridor. The walls were full of black, gooey stuff, mixed with metal, rusted and sharp bits. I started walking, confused and lost, thinking "what's going on?! This is not like the other nightmares!" I hear running footsteps echoes are getting near. I start running and breathing so hard that I can't hear what is going around. The echoes are louder and louder, I ran faster and faster. I didn't look back, running as fast as I can, hoping this nightmare just to end. I suddenly trip over ..... Something? I try to get up, but it was holding me, holding me like it was a hand. I struggle and panicking, hoping just to get out here. I calm down and look down, closing my eyes for couple of seconds.  As I look down, I see a mirror in front me, seeing my reflection but with a different clothing and different look. She had black, dark hair and pale vampire skin, with black eyes with two coloured pupils, one was red, the other one was black, under her eyes were scars, white and black, looked very painful. I saw her tears rolling down her face, making a pool on her face. She was wearing a dark emerald coloured hoodie, with quite short, black shorts. Both of us stared at each other for a minute, wondering, who is she? As all of the sudden the strange mirror started cracking up and letting me to fall into another deadly, deep, spaced void. I felt how the hand let it me go and letting me hearing my leg broke. I cried for agony, hoping to get some help. Black tears were rolling down my cheeks, leaving black marks on my pale, face. I kept falling down, knowing that I am falling faster and faster, deeper into know where. After a few of seconds later, my body suddenly was mashed and stabbed against the sharp, bloody shark teeth, right through my weak chest, as I scream as loud as a baby crying. I saw then other, weak and lost people falling down just like I did and scream in a echo....... One by one..... They were screaming just like a echo....... But then..... Everything gone black..... Complete blackout....

I wake up, forcing to open my eyes,  checking the alarm, shakily using my hand and hardly breathing and choking as I check the time.
"5:47 o'clock,  in the middle of the morning....... Just great....."
I was attempting to get up, triggered and traumatized from the nightmare, ready to scream out for my mum. Grabbing my shirt, trying to breathe, as I try to stand up, I fall down on the floor with a thunderstorm. My eyes were getting very blurry and I was starting to see nothing. My ears were ringing at the high pitch, not knowing what is going on. I heard as my mother was knocking on my white blurs with blue door.
" Darling? Are u OK there? I heard u fall..... I'm going in."
The door started slowly opening, leaving a sqweeking noise making my ears ring even more, making my ears hurt and burn like hell.
" Sweetheart.... Why aren't you answering m-----" said as she saw me on the floor, crying with very light black tears, trying to get up.
" Oh my gosh!! Sweetheart!!!" She said as she ran up to me, helping me to get up and put me back to bed. I can't stop crying and shaking from my worst nightmare... Those echoes.... Are my weakness.....

Oooooo..... My first ever story that I wrote!! ( not really.... Ahem) My characters will be based on the people I know. I hope u will like it!! See ya guys in the nest chapter!!!

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