Chapter 15: Bearing the Truth

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Edgar and Steel were happy to withstand the pain they felt as they tried to keep going.

"I know you're still.... Alive, Ashreed" Edgar said

Steel changed himself back into human form. The two of them were waiting a person lying on a ground to response.

"So.. you... two, know I'm still awake"

"Of course I know, my wind wouldn't lie something like that" Edgar grew distaste with him

"Finally, you told me my real.. name, Madgar"

"Who are you calling me Madgar? That was my soloist berserk special attack. Steel gave me advice to use that power while I gave him some wind to recover himself. And that's why we find a perfect moment to beat you and your silly claws, Ashreed!"

"Edgar calm down, what we're here to ask is about his reason, his reasons remember?" Steel tried to take things down which Edgar agreed

"Oh yeah, I made a bet with you guys before, well to tell you now, my reasons for doing this is because his parents ordered me to"

"His parents?!" Edgar was confused

"Basically, it's Courin's parents" Steel spoke in a clear statement and Ashreed nodded and continued

"His parents were rich and come from a noble family. They hired us not because they wanted to stop this tournament, it's for scaring that damn judge. They wanted us to treat him like a hunting prey and give him a lesson to not involving in a brutal fight like this. They were so weird that they over protecting their single child."

"But why did you accept a meaningless job like that?" Edgar asked

"Well to be honest, we assassins fight like mighty warriors. We always wanted to be more popular like those Twins Fury Duos and also, we wanted to fight with strong opponents like you guys. When they told us to fight in. A Duo Tournament in a coliseum, we were glad to take it for our reason to go along this fight. You saw that smiling face of that white hooded friend of mine you fought before right?"

"Now that makes sense, I saw him smile last time before we strike him back. He was really happy to participate in this tournament." Steel said

"And not only that, the duos who have red eyes weren't being possessed in the first place"

"Excuse me?!" Edgar and Steel were shocked

"Actually, those were the contracts I've allied with. Once you make an ally to a red person like me, your eyes will be consumed with great power with your red eyes"

"I see, so you're not a bad person then, Ashreed" Steel said

"Steel, he tried to blow you up and kill me. You know he was seriously trying to torture us. How nice can you be when you're taking your foes too lightly"

"And that match was pretty dangerous." Ashreed added

"At least we live and we've won"

"So what are you going to do now? Find him? I bet you're judge is worried being alone right now"

"You mean Courin? He's fine now, we brought him back to his position"

"You mean the way you run off by my allies, your allied girl used her powers for an easiest route for a way out while the other woman used her warping the walls power to pass him through and made him back on the front line, right?"

"Wow! You sure know our plan well" Edgar amazed

"I was watching you guys from above and observing your patterns and weakness" Ashreed answered

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