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Dahyun pov

I woke up like any ordinary day, realising that I told my best friend I was dating someone! I remember Momo texting me yesterday to go for a double date this week.

Momoring 🍑❤️ : Hey Dub, since you're dating someone we should go on a double date, how about it?

Me : d-double date??

Momoring 🍑❤️ : yep! I wanna meet your new partner :)

Me : er... sure 😅

Momoring 🍑❤️ : great, will text you info later. love you x

I cant believe I agreed to it! Mainly because I don't have a date! What am I gonna do??

How am I gonna find someone for me to fake date? I got up as usual while I start brainstorming who I'm gonna ask to be my pretend boyfriend/girlfriend.

Definitely not someone Momo knows, or esle it's gonna be awkward. Then I remember! Minatozaki Sana! She can be my date! Fake date, that is...

I remember Sana always telling me how she would love to know how it feels like to go on a date, so it's the perfect opportunity!

Sana is a colleague/friend from work, we aren't very close but she's like the only person I actually trust at my workplace.

We hang out during lunch and sometimes have dinner together. Luckily she ain't from my high school or else Momo's gonna know her.

I quickly picked up my phone and texted Sana.

Me : Hey Sana! I got a favor to ask you! Wanna meet for coffee let's say noonish? Text me!

Sanatozaki 🐶 : Sure, usual?

Me : Yep

During the afternoon

"Hey Dahyun!" Sana called out to me while I was spacing out. We were at the spot we always come to get coffee, CaffeineHouse.

"So, what's up?"

"Do you remember you telling me how much you wanna date someone?"


"Well, I'm giving you the opportunity to date me for a day."

"Wowzies, really? What's going on?"

I explained the plan I had with Sana.

"Okay,sure. I'll help. It doesn't hurt anyways. So this weekend?" She asked.

I nodded. "I'll keep you posted. Thanks for helping me."

"No probs. We're friends after all. See you later this week then."

I nodded my head. I was super thankful that Sana was willing to do this for me, even though its not a real date.... I didn't want to think too much about it being fake. I was just waiting for the weekend to come to get it over with.

crushing on my best friend - dahmoWhere stories live. Discover now