Chapter 9- Love is an Obstacle

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"No!  I WAS able to.  I can't deny it anymore Tina!  I love you!"

"Yes!"  Not the time, Unicorn.

"I'm the Daycare's owner.  The OG!  If anyone's powerful, it's me."

"No!  I literally have superpowers!  I'll do it."

"UnicornMann, no!"

"Why no-"  She kissed him desperately.

"That's why."

"Wait, WHY DIDN'T YOU--"  Tina and Unicorn with the off comments.

"Goldy's not even an option, geez."

"What do you mean?  She's tiny, weak, and--"

"Okay!  I get it."  She hugged Unicorn.

"Then who's going to be sacrificed?"

"If only we didn't kill Casper yet..."

"If feel stupid now."  Then, Goldy realized something.

"Wait..."  She looked at the ground, realizing the meaning behind this stupid game.  "He wanted me on his side.  If he got to me, than the War would never end..."

"What're you getting at, Goldy?"

"I'm saying that he was planning to live this out as long as possible.  He didn't have a backup plan, and neither did we.  Problem is, he didn't care about the War, but we do."  She clenched her fists.  "Stupid boy."


"He doesn't deserve the title of Lil Boi."  She growled.  "I'mma fix this!"  She ran upstairs to the rooms.


"What?  No!"


"Well, I have three..."


"You already did."


"Goldy, my heart is below my head and slightly to the left."

"And... Chip..."  She stared at the stuffed plushy, holding it tight, and running back downstairs.

"Alright, circle everybody."


"Shut up."  She assessed the items.

"Tina, you're out."


"You won't be sacrificed because a crystal is too fragile to be powerful.  It's not even magic or anything."

"You don't know that!"

"Ryan, out!  A monitor is a servant to the broadcaster."  She handed back their items.

"Love V.S. Life..."  Unicorn crossed his fingers, secretly hoping that he'd be sacrificed for Goldy's sake.

"I can't decide."


"Life without love is impossible.  Platonic love, parental love, romance, etc.  But love can't exist without life."

"Great, conflict."

"I'll do it!"


"No.  I have magic.  You don't.  You legitimately took a bunch of random crap from our rooms to judge our power.  I know how this works."



He picked up Chip, handing him back to Goldy lovingly.

"I love you, and so does Chip."  He kissed her tenderly, one last time.  She kissed back, desperately clinging to his shirt.

When they parted, they began to cry, including Tina and Ryan.

"Please don't go..."

"I have to, for you."

"If it's for me, I don't want it."

"But you need it."

"I NEED YOU!"  She sobbed, throwing her arms around him, trying to stop him from heading towards the door.  However, she was too small to do much.  He pulled her arms off of his shoulders, and kissed her forehead.

"Let me go..."  She sobbed.

He began to walk, and opened the door.

"NO!"  She shrieked.  Tina and RYAN tried to stop her, but she turned UnicornMann around, kissing him with the burning passion she only recently realized she had.

After parting, she threw him to her other two friends, waving.

"Bye guys, see you later."  She re-opened the now close door, turning back one last time.

"I love you, UnicornMann.  And Tina,  I'm a playa."  With that, she rushed into the glowing laboratory, closed the door behind her, and vanished.

This is the last real chapter.  The Epilogue will be out this Thursday.  Why did you get two chapters today?  Because I missed one last Thursday and I promised you guys to make progress up.

Anyways.  These notes I make are usually important.  This one isn't.

But this one is!  Once the Epilogue is done, I will begin working on the sequel to Eliminate!  Keep up with my NewsBoard, I'll let you know when it's out!

In the Cards {Outdated}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ