Chapter 6

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Sehun's POV

"Thanks for the lunch Hyung. I'm off then"
"Your welcome. Be careful on your way Sehun-ah",, I nod and step out
I have appointment with my father today. He going to introduce me with one of his business partner. I rush home don't want my father to be waiting.

"Appa. I'm home.",, I said entering my father apartment. Actually I used to leave separately since my father's apartment kind of far from my university but my father health dropping these days so I decided to move back to his apartment. My mother died giving birth to me so it's always just the two of us. We don't have maid or anyone else.
"You're home",, I can see his tired eyes looking at me with a smile
"Yes dad. I bought lunch from my workplace. Let's go eat before we go.",, My father nod and follow me to the kitchen. We chat as usual

"Sehun-ah. Do you have a boyfriend?",, I chocked on my food as my father give me a glass of water
"No I don't Appa",, I blush thinking hard how can he know my sexual preference
"Of course I know Son. You never mention a girl to me before. I'm fine with it though. Just bring a cute guy okay.",, He smile teasingly
"Don't worry Appa I will.",, I teased back and we laugh together. Our relationship always been like this. Because it's just the two of us we always value our time together as much as we can.

"Who will I meet this time Dad?"
"Lee Hyukjae, one of my trustable business partner. He is handsome and a really nice person. Always helping others. Oh. Maybe you guys will match together. But he is way more handsome than cute. Well, you can be the cute one Sehun-ah.",, It takes me a minute to understand what he means
"Dad!",, He laugh loudly make me pout. He really like to tease me

End Of Sehun's POV

Jinyoung's POV

"Hyukjae-ssi, Mr. Oh is here."
"Let him in",, I nod and go to invite Mr. Oh in. I see that he is not alone. There is a handsome tall man beside him. Is that his son?

"Hyukjae-ah, nice meeting you again",, Mr. Oh said shaking Hyukjae-hyung hand
"It's nice meeting you too Mr. Oh. You look tired, are you okay?"
"I'm fine son. I'm getting old you know. So Hyukjae, this is Sehun my son.",, The handsome man bow his head and go to shake Hyukjae-hyung hand
"It's nice to meet you Sir. My name is Sehun.",, I surprised hearing his deep voice. Looking at his face must be still at the college. He is really handsome. I can't help but staring at the figure.
"Jinyoung-ah, bring tea for the guest please.",, I nod and divert my eyes from Sehun and excuse myself to prepare the drinks.

I can't help but thinking that his face is so familiar. Did I ever meet him somewhere? I bother my mind and take the tea I prepared back to the room. I silently let myself to the room not wanting to disturb their meeting. I set the cups to the table and silently stand beside Hyukjae-hyung listening to their discussion whilst silently looking at the handsome man. Sometimes laugh along with others from Mr. Oh joke take a peek for Sehun reaction.

"So you come home from China to study business at the S University. You're so amazing.",, I smile looking at Hyukjae-hyung proud smile
"I have to. I'm the only son afterall. I'm the only heir of my father's company.",, Sehun smile looking at his father
"How old are you Sehun-ssi?"
"I'm 22 years old Mr. Lee"
"Oh.. You are coeval with him then. No need too formal Sehun-ah. Just call me Hyung. Jinyoung call me hyung outside from work too. He just to professional with his work.",, I blush seeing Hyukjae-hyung teasing smile
"Sure Hyung.",, Sehun nod and get up from his seat. I widen my eyes seeing that Sehun walk towards me thrust his hand to me. "It's nice to meet you Jinyoung-ssi. Let's get along well."
I take his hand and smile shyly,, "Nice to meet you Sehun-ssi"

After 3 hours of discussion, Mr. Oh and Sehun excuse themselves. I can feel that Hyukjae-hyung grinning smile boring a hole to my face.
"Stop it Hyung. Creepy old man. Ouch.",, I rub my sore head where he hit me
"We're done right? Let's go eat."
"Thanks for the hard work.",, I said still rubbing my sore head pouting
"Oh come on Jinnie. Don't pout. I'll treat you dinner."

End Of Jinyoung's POV

Donghae's POV

"Yi-En-ah, can you help me with this?",, I shouted holding a tray full of costumers order
"Yes Hyung",, Yi-En shout back running towards me
"It's for table number 7 and 13",, He nod and take the tray from my hand. Suddenly I feel dizzy and grab the corner of the counter
"Hyung! You should rest. Do you have your dinner?",, Yi-En asked placing the tray at the counter.
I take a look at the clock and realize that it's already pass dinner time. I have to maintain my eating time because of my condition. I always try to eat on time to not make Yi-En worried, but this day had been so busy so I kinda forgot to check the time.
I shake my head no make Yi-En frown, I know he will nag at me.
"Wait here Hyung, I'll take this to the costumer and make you dinner",, I look at him confused before nodding and move to sit behind the counter.
He pass the order to the costumers and walk towards the pantry without saying anything. Chanyeol come out from the pantry and makehis way out from the counter passing me a smile. Yi-En must be call him for help to handle the costumers.

"Here Hyung, don't blame me if it not good. I'm a barista not a chef",, Yi-en said hand me a plate full off friend rice
I look at him smile and dig in. It's delicious though. I can feel Yi-En staring but I just ignore it and continue eating. I don't want him to nag at me for eating late.

"Hyung, no need to wait for me today. My manager just told me that I have photoshoot later.",, I frown not liking the idea that Yi-En still have to work after this. I can see his face looking paler than usual.
"Suddenly? Eat before you go. I know you haven't have your dinner today either. Please worry about yourself as you worried about me Yien-ah."
"I will Hyung. Finish your meal and eat your medicine. I'll go after eat. I'll let Chanyeol-hyung know.",, He smile caressing my check then move to Chanyeol. I see Chanyeol smile patting Yi-En head with affection. He nod and gone to the pantry.
I head to the pantry as soon as I finished my dinner and I see Yi-En already at his casual clothes.
"Have you eaten?"
"Yes I have Hyung. Don't worry about me.",, He said as he take the empty plate from my hand and wash it
"Really?",, I asked demanding not believe how can he eat so fast. Yi-En just nod not saying anything. I open my mouth again to asked one more time but got cut by him. I know he is lying. He must be too lazy to make his dinner.
"I need to go Hyung. Don't wait for me and go to sleep.",, He hug me once and went out from the café fast before I can say something.
I sigh and went out from the pantry and found there are just about 5 costumers left. I move to Chanyeol and pat his back
"Chanyeol-ah, let's prepare to close",, He smile and nodding. It's already 9 pm so we just can clean up while waiting for the last costumer to leave.

"Thank you for coming. Hope we can see you again next time.",, I said as the last costumer leave. I look at the watch and found that it's already 9.40 pm.
"Here Hyung. Wait a minute Hyung I'll lock the door then we can leave.",, I nod as Chanyeol hand me my bag and lock the café door.
"Huff.. Another day has gone. Let's go Hyung.",, Chanyeol give me his arm and I spontaneously link my arm with him. I always do this with one of them. Yi-En, Sehun, or Chanyeol. It started because they worried about me, I collapse once because of fatigue and that's not a nice thing to remember. After that incident they always over protective to me but now it's just come out naturally. We continue to walk to my apartment feeling the warm of autumn almost gone replaced with the winter coldness.

Chanyeol and I shared the same building with different floor. Chanyeol left to his apartment which is on the 12th floor. My floor is at the 20th floor below. I quickly go inside the room turn the heater and go straight to bed, only changing to my pajama doesn't have enough strength to shower.

End Of Donghae's POV

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