"Who even likes skimmed milk? What is wrong with him?!"


"It's our friendship. We get along. Just like you and Erik do and even Cobie." Colson said. Aetos just nods in reply as he grabs the kettle and pours the hot water into the cup and then added a small pinch of salt into the cocoa before mixing it.

"What are your plans for the day?" Aetos asked as he grabs one of his flasks from the fridge.

"I'm going with my brother and Erik for the ultrasound. I want to see little Colson."

"I'm pretty sure they aren't going to name their child after you." Aetos says before taking a sip. He chuckles when he sees the dark look Colson throws his way.

"I don't think I like you today." Colson huffs for the third time that day before taking a sip of his cocoa. He lets out a low groan once he tastes the drink. Though the house was warm, the hot cocoa warmed up the places inside Colson that stepping in the snow had frozen. It felt really good.

"You like me now, don't you?" Aetos says smugly.

"Don't push me or you'll end up dating yourself."

"Oh, now you're threatening me?" Aetos teased, taking a final gulp of blood before tossing the flask into the sink. He grabs the listerine he keeps in the kitchen and quickly washed his mouth while Colson replies.

"Not threatening. Just a warning."

"Is this some kind of weird foreplay thing?" Pytor asked as he walked into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge. He had on a black shirt with a bright pink boxers with Charlie Brown printed on it.

Sometimes Colson just couldn't with Pytor. It felt like the vampire had a few loose screws.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Colson asked, gesturing at the pink boxers. Aetos bit his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing.

Pytor looked down at himself and then looked back up to Colson and shrugs. "It's Charlie Brown."

"Oh my god." Colson giggles, trying his best not to snort.

Pytor rolls his eyes at the two of them before taking a seat beside Colson. Colson's laughter dwindles down, his smile still remaining on his face though. Lately, Pytor has been smiling more and more and Colson mentally thanks Toby wherever he was.

"You both suck."

"Why yes." Colson smirks. "Yes we do suck but so do you." Colson snickers and Aetos slaps a hand over his mouth.

Pytor glared at the two of them before taking a sip of his blood.

"I don't think you two dating is a good idea." Pytor said white a shake of the head.

Aetos walks around the island and moved close to Colson, who hands him the mug so he could take a sip. Pytor stares as they did that, sticking out his tongue in disgust at the two of them.

"You're just jealous."

"Why would I be jealous when I have a beautiful boy of my own." Pytor shot back, grabbing his flask and stalking out of the room. Colson laughs a bit, leaning back a bit so he could rest his head against Aetos' chest.

"You're a menace."

"I didn't do anything."

"Of course you didn't." Aetos replied, pressing a kiss to Colson's head. The two of them talk for a while before Colson decides to get ready so he could head to the pack house.

It took him a couple minutes to shower. Colson stands in front of the mirror and checks on the black spots. The spots were still on his back but now there were some at the back of his right knee. Colson doesn't know what to do or what those spots were, maybe he'll talk to Erik and Cobie about it today. Once he had decided that, he made his way out of the bathroom and pulled on clothes. Black leggings and one of Aetos' jumpers that he found deep in his closet, that covers his hands. It was blood red. He also finds socks in Aetos' room as well as a long black overcoat and then he was ready.

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