But his moment was ruined when his mother loudly pointed out, "Wait!" She looked at Bakugou in shock, "Katsuki, are you blushing?!" Her face remaining shocked, she aggressively patted her husband's elbow, eyes not leaving Bakugou's embarrassed expression, "Honey! Look! Look at his face! He is blushing!"

Shaking the elbow of her surprised husband, they both watched in surprise at the pink-tinted cheeks of their son. Their mind racing with joy at the sign of their son showing the possibility of having other emotions, that is not annoyance and anger.

The embarrassing converstaion only added to the red colour of Bakugou's face. Quickly blurting out a reply, he raced to the kitchen shouting, "NO, I'm not! It's just... just because the food is too spicy! Shut up, old hag!"

Bakugou's mother couldn't even form a response, far too surprised that her son was even able to feel flustered at anything or anyone.

Once in the safe recluse of his home's kitchen, Bakugou took a deep breath, his heart racing from embarrassment and joy. Smacking his cheek, he cursed and questioned himself for having these emotions. Sure, he may or may not find (M/N)'s smile a little too cute for his own good, but that doesn't mean anything, right?

He glanced at the message once again, only to find three more messages following the one that caused the mess at the dinner table.


Holy crap I am so sorry dude

Auto correct seems to hate me today

(Agghhh I find this so cringey why am I doing this to myself)

At these messages, Bakugou's heart sank a little. The little spark of hope went out before it even had the chance to grow. Jutting out his lower lip, Bakugou made an unconcious pout, before aggressively smashing in a reply, berating (M/N) for the spelling mistake.

Are you an idiot

Auto correct doesn't even do that

The messages were left unread though. That's because (M/N) was too busy smashing his head into the hardest pillow he could find in the house, scaring Ochaco and screaming, "Stupid" repeatedly over and over again.

Let's just say, (M/N) didn't end up replying to his message. Right after that disaster, he immediately told Kirishima to do the job while he huddles in a corner wallowing in embarrassment. Never knowing how secretly happy Bakugou was when he accidentally sent the pet name.

(I'm sorry, just- I tried)


On the day of the meet up, (M/N) had arrived fairly early along with Ochaco. He had the responsibility of making sure all the facilities of the pool was child-safe and the fences were high enough where no one would be easily thrown over them. Plus, he was the one with the keys, of course he had to be early.

Ochaco had to tag along, since they lived literally 2 blocks away from each other and (M/N)—being the overprotective brother that he was—said she must follow him to the pool or she isn't allowed to go at all.

After everything was checked thoroughly, (M/N) stood up to leave, asking Ochaco to tell the others he should be back a few minutes after they've all arrived.

Only seconds after he left, the girls showed up. All agreeing on their choice swimsuit to be the typical school-style(?) one piece.

Group by group, the rest of the class appeared. Many asking Ochaco where their assistant homeroom and temporary chaperone for the day was.

Right when Ochaco was about to answer Iida and Midoriya on the whereabouts of (M/N), she was interrupted by a familiar loud voice, "Why would you buy 2 for each of them, are you stupid?!"

"Ahh, Bakugou don't worry, if you don't want your second ice cream I can have it for you." Kirishima's friendly voice echoed from the hallway and the loud voice spoke up again, even louder this time.

"Shut up! That wasn't my point!"

"Yeahhh, don't worry, Bakugou." the teasing tone of the person's voice made them easily recognizable to Ochaco. Who just sighed at her brother's antics, used to his obsession with eating unhealthy food. The voice continued, his teasing tone now has an undertone of mischief.

"If that's still too much, we can always share one together."

At first their was no response, only the sound of a person coughing aggressively. Not long after came Bakugou's loud and angry shout of "Shut up, you gross dumbass!" Followed by a loud and bright explosion in the dark corridor, that could be seen even from the swimming pool.

4 boxes of vanilla flavoured ice cream flew out of the hallway. Midoriya narrowly dodged the deadly box of frozen dairy sticks as it flew past his head at top speed.

"What... in the world?"

Midoriya questioned outloud, still slightly shocked that he could have been knocked out by a box of ice cream. "Wah-well, it appears Uraraka-san, Bakugou-san and Kirishima-san have arrived." Iida sweatdropped, readjusting his glasses as he stated the obvious.

There were loud footsteps of a person running, echoing through the hallway. As they emerged from the darkness, he head was turned behind him, yelling, "Bakugou, don't just blow up the ice cream!!! Why didn't you aim for me instead?!"

(M/N) swiftly picked up the 4 boxes of treasure as he continued to scold Bakugou for 'wrongly using his quirk'. The two others emerged soon after, Bakugou was empty handed while Kirishima held 4 boxes of ice cream.

Kirishima's face was pulled into an awkward smile with furrowed eyebrows as he apologised to everyone and (M/N). He sighed, wondering why he chose this path of life, where he befriends a bunch of 3 years olds. He turned to Iida, setting down the 4 boxes on the ground next to (M/N)'s pile, he said, "Sorry for being late. Bakugou refused to come at first and caused quite the hold up. (M/N) on the other hand refused to leave the store until he bought the 'Buy 5, get 3 free' deal for ice cream, saying it was such a steal."

Tired and done, but happy nonetheless. He looked away from the two foetus fighting and squabbling over who knows what. He may be a man, but there is just somethings a man can't handle—or doesn't want to.

Back to (M/N), who had whacked Bakugou at the back of his head, now had Bakugou is a headlock as his continued to playfully shout at him for disrespecting the treasure, that is the ice cream.

The whole situation was so comedic to Ochaco, she couldn't believe that it was happening in real life before her eyes and not in a dumb slice of life manga. Even Bakugou aggressively thrashing body looked ridiculous and comical.

She couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of her. Doubling over in laughter, she hugged her side and let out a cheerful laugh, which brought the three beside her into uncontrollable laughter too. Soon, practically everyone watching was laughing, a enthusiastic and cheery vibe emanated from them all. Even the quiet, brooding ones made a sign of a chuckle or giggle.

(M/N) had let go of Bakugou and pulled him up to his feet. His body shaking in laughter as he pat Bakugou on the shoulder. He flashed him a genuinely happy smile, one that made Bakugou's heart stop. In Bakugou's eyes, this smile was literally glowing as (M/N)'s front teeth was slightly shown in between those tender lips.

Bakugou gulped as he felt a smile creep its way onto his face. He looked away and covered the bottom half of his face. 'God...' he thought, 'That smile really is cute.'

Um... So hah, meaningless filler chapter because why not. Btw, for people who think the story is boring and literally just (M/N) being inserted into the episodes, don't worry I feel you. But, things will start stirring up very quickly. Individual interaction with particular students will be added.

Oh and one question:
Do you guys want this story to
A) End after the summer camp

B) Literally go on forever

Because I do have plans for even further things but, I feel like that's just stretching it and the story will become bland :/

Idk, anyways, it's up to you! Hope you enjoyed this random chapter.

Ochaco's Inspiration: Uraraka (M/N) (BNHA x Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang