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???'s pov:

"You want to recommend a student?" Nezu asked me in surprise.

Nodding and scratching the back of my head, "Am I not supposed to?" I grunted.

"No, no. It's just I never thought you would ever recommend a student. Let alone a mere commoner." Nezu replied.

"Status is not a factor in becoming a good hero, you should know that." I replied, trying not to sound too annoyed.

Not bothered by my snarky remark, he casually replies, "Yes, yes, I understand. Now, can you repeat his name and age? I'll file it in with the other recommendations." Nezu faced his computer and began typing away.

"Sure. His name is Uraraka (M/N). Currently age 15. From observation, his quirk seems to be related to some type of rock." I said.

Nezu's focused eyes looked up from the screen. "I found his basic information." he turned the screen towards me. Skimming over the information. I reached the section 'Quirk'. "Oh, well it is somewhat related to what I have seen. Controlling carbon atoms and adding pressure objects." Stopping to down thinking, "Hm, I geuss he uses the concept of adding immense pressure on carbon atoms in objects to create raw diamond." Looking up from the screen, "A quirk like that is extremely powerful, works as a defensive and offensive. From seeing him in action, I do believe he is a suitable candidate for recomendation." 

"Okay, I'll take your word for it. I'll file him under your name in the list of recommendations."

Nodding my head, I walked off to leave the office. But I paused at the door, thinking. "Actually, Nezu, I have one more thing to request of you." This piqued his interest, "What is it?" "Can you have him take the entrance exam like the others'?" I asked, looking down at my shoes. "Why is that?" Nezu asked with a smile. "Well..." I dragged on. "I have only seen him in action once, I wish to be able to examine his abilities in battle further to hold concrete evidence that he is physically capable of joining the hero course. Though, I am confident he has the proper mind set of a hero."


(M/N)'s pov:

I nervously shook in my seat. Harshly gripping the edge of my school desk. Only two nights ago did I illegally use my quirk in public without a licence. Granted it was a somewhat heroic thing I did. 

Mentally slapping myself, I screamed at myself in my mind, 'Why didn't I just leave it to the heroes to save that woman? My actions could lead to big problems in my family. Ugh. Why am I so impulsive.' I silently face palmed at the back of the classroom. 'Not to mention how I immediately ran off when the police arrived. That just made me look even more sketchy. My chances of becoming a hero has decreased to none. I'll just go with being a lapidary when I grow up. That would make mad money too.' 

Sighing through my nostrils as I zoned out for the rest of the lesson, deciding on how to tell my parents of my illegal actions only 2 nights ago. 

The bell rang, signaling the end of school. Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards my shoe locker. Changing out my shoes, a friend of mine approached me. 

"Hey man, want to go to the arcade together? Bet I'll beat you at (Insert arcade game name) this time, I've been practicing these days." I agreed cheerfully, wrapping an arm round my shoulder to bring myself to his shorter height. "Heh, you still have the guts to challenge the Number 1 (Insert arcade game name) player in that arcade." I gave him a smug smirk. "We'll see how much you still have to improve after I beat your ass today." "Haha, bring it on."

Dragging me out of school. We happily ran over to the arcade as old men watching us comment 'I was like that when I was young.' or 'Ahh, such youthful children.'

Momentarily forgetting my worries, I relax and rush to the machine with my friend, his carefree attitude affecting my mood. 

Soon the sun was setting, it was time to leave. Waving a goodbye to my friend, reminiscing the laughter and cheers in the arcade only minutes ago.

Like a ton of bricks, my worry returned at the sight before me. I started to feel queasy. My parents standing at the doorway with  unreadable expressions, looking around clearly distressed. Nervously stepping forward, I internally scream when Mother loudly shouted "(M/N)! Honey, he is over there!"

Father turned to my direction, running over with a letter in hand. "(M/N)! Thank god! I just need to know, did you do anything 2 nights ago?!" he asked frantically, roughly gripping my shoulders. 

I mentally panic. I spent so much time at the arcade that I completely forgot about the incident. Debating in my mind whether or not to tell the truth. Not knowing my mouth already spilled it out for me.

I looked at my parents' expression, disbelief was obvious from the raised eyebrows and wide eyes. "You, you..." my father trailed off raising his index finger to point at me.

"I'm sorry!" I cry out in panic, bowing to my toes. To my surprise Father let out his comforting laugh, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "(M/N), whatever do you mean?" Confusion crossed my face, glancing at the letter in his hand.


A giant smile crossed my face, a wave of emotion crashed over me. Wrapping my parents in a hug, the source of my worry was released, like a stone being lifted off my back, relief and joy was felt when they happily dragged me into the house.


"Haha! (M/N), why did you ever think of hiding such a thing from us? What you did would have made us proud, not the opposite." Father laughed at my fidgety self, wrapping Mother into a side hug, they looked at each other lovingly, "We'll always be proud, knowing we have raised such a righteous son." Turning to face me, they each giving me a thumbs up.

Father turned to pick up the letter by his side and handed it over to me, "Now, here is the letter. I'll give you some alone time to read this." 

Standing up, they left the room. Holding each other's hand and grinning joyfully. 

As the sound of their footsteps disappeared, I stared at the folded letter in front of me. Trembling with anticipation. "Come on (M/N), they said they were proud, it has to be, has to be, something good." I tried reassuring myself. 

Lifting up the letter with shaking fingers:

To Uraraka (M/N),

We are pleased to inform you that you have been recommended to UA by one of our staff, Aizawa Shouta, a.k.a. Eraserhead. After witnessing your bravery and heroism only 2 nights ago, he was confident you would become a promising hero. Unfortunately, we do not have a clear understanding of your quirk, if you are willing to, we would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming entrance exam. Do not worry, this exam is just a way for us to understand the different aspects of your quirk. No matter what, you will be entering our school due to your recommendation. Thank you for your attention and best of luck.

Principal Nezu

So, it's true.

My hands shook from joy. Tears started to form. My figure shook as I rubbed away the tears. But it was useless, tears of joy kept on flowing out, no matter how hard I will myself to stop crying and man up.

Loud footsteps were heard as 3 bodies embraced from the back, loud sobbing was heard round the house as they all laughed with tears streaming down their faces.

Hi I hope you like or at least don't mind the quirk, since in Uraraka's parents' quirks were never revealed (just that they were useless for construction) I just thought screw it, any quirk will do.

Ochaco's Inspiration: Uraraka (M/N) (BNHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now