
1.9K 128 90

September 2nd

I ran through the streets, my feet pattered effortlessly. My mind throbbing at the thought of something bad happened to Kid.

As I pushed open the hospital doors, tears dried to my face, my breath caught in my lungs. My eyes shifted to the nurse sprinting towards me.

She grabbed ahold of my hand and began racing me through the corridor doors.

"Can I know what happened to Kid!" I yelled. The nurse didn't reply. Our feet slapping the floor loudly. The nurse's bun was becoming undone as she fast walked. My heart sped faster.

My body seemed to feel cold as we reaches Kids' door. The nurse took a deep breath placing her hand on the door knob and glancing at me. My eyes looked into hers then back at the door.

She sighed and pushed it opened, slowly stepping in. I followed after her. The room was empty. The curtains blowed softly when the wind hit it, the smell of Lavender filled the room but... Kid wasn't in the bed.

"What-What happened? Where's Kid..." I glanced at the nurse. Her head hung low.

"He didn't make it...he couldn't wake up, so we pulled the plug..." She whispered. My heart stop and slowly it began to break.

Tears threatened to fall so I let them. I was paralyzed. I couldn't move...I couldn't breath. All I could do was stand and stare at the bed and let my tears fall like rivers.

The nurse moved towards the bed and brushed it over.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that. We told his Father. His Father told us that he is a Shinigami and they cannot die," The nurse breathed and stood up straight holding her arms over her stomach. "But he couldn't wake up. When had to end his misery..." She looked out the window.

My legs gave up on as I fell to the ground.

"He didn't have a heart beat after a minute. He was gone." The nurse looked down. "And we all knew it would happen."

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