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"Red. The colour of blood, lust, and love." Luna sat on a white chair that floated above the scene that laid before you and the others. "I guess," She took a small sip from her teacup and placed in on the small table next to her. "If she doesn't pick it, his father won't suffer." A smirk brushed over her mouth. "Well, it's too late now." She giggled.

My arm shielded my eyes from the blinding light that covered the area around us. It started to die and as I removed my arm I saw him. His body slowly coming down to the ground and his eyes closed. I ran forward but got stopped by Tsubaki throwing her arm out in front of me.
"What is it?!" I yelled. Tsubaki pointed to Kid, he wasn't touching the ground but two roses floated above him. Black and red.
"What are they?" Soul asked. I looked at them, "Let me pass, I know what to do." My hand rested on her arm she gave me a slight nod before lower her arm and letting me pass. I slowly made my way over there and stared at the roses. My heart raced and the sense of negativity was fluttering around inside me, I shook my head and wrapped my fingers around the red rose feeling the thrones pierce into my skin. The black one slowly vanished into the air and Kid softly landed on the ground.

I fell to my knees and lifted his head softly, Tsubaki picked up the red rose and stared at it, "Such a beautiful red." She twirled it slowly and the light glistened off it. I brushed a strand of Kids' hair back and smiled down at him.
"He is back," I whispered into the wind. The group gathered around me and we waited till we heard a soft groan. I smiled happily, tears began to slide down my cheeks Kids' golden eyes were seen and he stared up at me than everyone else.
"Why am I on the ground?" His hand touched the cracked floor. I moved away as Kid got up. I shuffled to the back of the crowd that gathered around Kid as he fell from the sky. He pushed himself up, straightening out his clothes. His eyes scanned his surroundings, "Why are we here?"
Soul wrapped an arm around Kid and Black*Star followed, "You died!" Black*Star laughed. Kid's eyebrows knitted together. "I died?"
"Yeah, it was shocking for all of us. Mostly (Y/n)." Soul pointed out towards me. My eyes widen and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. I looked away, biting at my fingernail. Kid moved the arms off him and pushed back the girls. I saw his black shoes and a hand that gently touched my arm, "You're real..." He whispered.
"Well duh, she's real!" Soul groaned.
Kid stared at my skin I watched as his eyes would look me over like he was trying to memorize every bit of me. I smiled anxiously before raising my hand up and giving a short wave, "Hi."
His eyes finally reached up to mine, "Hello."

I pulled out the crystal, "Two people have to stay behind and walk back- or travel." My eyes looked into the distance. I could hear a cluster of whispers but before I looked back it stopped. The wind blew between us as we faced this silently.
"(Y/N) and Kid should go back together." Black*Star pointed towards us. Soul hit his head, "You just want an excuse so you don't have to walk!" Black*Star rubbed his head.

Maka spoke up, "I actually think it's a good idea. (Y/n), you were the one that rushed to Kids' aid." I blushed when Kid's eyes glanced at me.
"I don't mind at all. As long as the twins are alright." His concerned eyes were bright as the sun hit them. Maka nodded and stared off into the sunset, "We should camp here tonight."


The fire crackled as everyone was slowly drifting off to sleep, the fireflies floated around making the camp area feel safe and light. My eyes watched the fire dance and the small speaks of it fall onto the ground and slowly, just as the wind was dancing through the trees the flame on the speck went out. I pulled my knees in placing my chin on them as my gaze was endless at the fire. Kid sat down next to me and wiped off some dust, "Thank you."
I looked over at him. His skin looked as soft as the grass we were on, his eyes as sad as the ocean, heavy bags laid territory under his eyes. His clothes were crumbled but it looks like he tried to flatten it out as best as he can.
"For what?" He let out a chuckle his eyes remained on the flames, he took a moment, "Recusing me."

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