That Cat Like Smile

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"AND HERE WE HAVE THE ALL-POWERFUL BLACKSTAR!!" Soul shouted throughout the bar. "ONE PUNCH AND YOU'RE OUT!!" Blackstar screamed to the crowd. The bartender handed me another drink, "These two with you?" He nudged his head to the two goofballs. I nodded in shame. The bartender laughed and continued to clean the glasses, I sipped on my strawberry cocktail.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to take them?" I asked through the commotion. He shook his head, "Those boys are making my bar more alive! You kids can have as many drinks as you like!"
BlackStars' head flicked over to us, "NO WAY!! REALLY!!"
Soul laughed, pushing his chair out and making his way over to me. "Can I have two shots?" He asked. The bartender smiled and began to pour two shots. I stared at one glass, "Do I have to drink that?" I asked in fear as Soul nodded. I shook my hands, "Oh no no no-"
Six shots later and I was wasted, Soul and BlackStar beyond ever reaching sober.
If I settled only on water, I should sober up. I'm really not in the mood to vomit or have a hang over.

Souls' eyes were plastered on me. I felt shivers crawl over my spine. I continued small talk with the bartender in hopes he knew something about where we were heading. I sighed out and traced my fingertip around the glass top of the glass. The smooth texture making my finger soft, "So, why is this town called Lunatin?" My eyes scanned over to the bartender. He laughed, "Lunatin. Once every month a mysterious girl dressed in white walks the streets helping people in need. People who saw her said she looked like the moon so the name Luna came and tin was because our first mayor had a thing was collecting tins." He sweats dropped. I nodded and pushed the glass over the wooden table, hearing the echo of its slide.
"I'm gonna head out." I pushed myself off the table. "I'll be back to pick these two up later." I smiled. The bartender smiled back warmly, "Of course. Be careful not to run into the Moon Girl." He went back to drying the glasses.
I swung my bag over my shoulder and headed to the door, I guess the townspeople don't know the girls' name so they labeled her that.

Soul swayed over to me before I could open the door, "Hey! Can I come with you?!" He yelled over the music. I nodded, "We will come back for him?" Soul looked over his shoulder at Black*Star who was sticking chopsticks up his nose and placing the bottoms in his mouth. I nodded, letting Soul lead me out.

The moon was hardly overhead anymore, figured it was one or two in the morning. I walked infront of Soul, "So." I jumped up on the fountain, "Let's talk!" I fell back onto my butt. Soul laughed, "About?" He swayed over and planted himself next to me. I shrugged, "I don't know. Anything!" I stated up at the sky.
Soul looked over at me, "Why are you so obsessed with Kid? He barely knew you." After those words left his mouth he immediately regretted speaking, "That was uncool of me.." He ruffled his hair. I smiled, "It's fine. A while back, I was being followed by heaps of guys that were much older. It was terrifying, I went down dark areas and broke into places but I couldn't get away. One of them grabbed my arm before I could escape and they started holding me down..." I gripped into my shirt. "Started taking off my clothes and hurting me..." I saw at the corner of my eye, Souls' face has dropped to the ground in anger and sadness. "I was screaming for help than Kid came, beating them up but started talking about how some parts of them weren't symmetrical." I giggled slightly. "And from then on, the story goes." I shrugged and looked over at Soul. His dark eyes stared into mine. Warm. Warm lips pressed against mine, fingers entangled. We kissed.
Quickly regretting that choice, Soul pulled away and rubbed his forehead.
"Oh crap. I'm so sorry." He sighed out. I was frozen in lost thought trying to calculate what happened, " It's fine."
Soul folded his hands into a fist, "But I kissed you when you are madly in love with Kid." He jumped up and shoved his hands in his pockets. "That's so uncool of me." He glared at the ground.
All I could do was stare, never have I seen this boy get so angry about this. It was a kiss, I didn't feel anything other than a double take of my heart beat.
Pushing myself up and grabbing my belongings, I walked over to Soul. "Hey," I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Let's just forget it happened and go grab Black*Star and call it a night?" I smiled warmly feeling and seeing the regret in Souls face. His head did a small nod, "Yeah, might as well."

After forcing Black*Star to leave the bar, we bid a farewell to the bartender Yuoi which we found out shortly after we came back. The walk back to the motel was annoying. Black*Star would shout words that made no sense, Soul tried to shut him up but miserably failed. We ended up smashing the back of his head on a brick wall causing him to fall unconscious. It wasn't too hard that it would break his skull but hard enough to make him shut up.
Pushing the door open to the motel the smell of mint leaves and rosemary flooded my nose. The old lady dressed in old attire -looking like something she pulled out of the 60's- stood at her desk reading a small novel with a cup of coffee resting on the counter. Her eyes gazed up at us, we gave her a warming smile. Careful, the old lady closed her book and hopped off her chair, grabbed his cane and began walking over to us.
Her steps were small but we helped by meeting her halfway, "So this is the one?" Her cane tapped the side of Black*Stars' head. Her wrinkles deepened as her white small eyebrows rose. We nodded in embarrassment, "Yes..." We sighed out. The old lady chuckled a small sweet laugh. I watched as strands from her white bun gracefully fell out.
"Children's these days." She reached inside her pocket and pulled out a packet of pills. She handed me them, "Take two of these in the morning so none of you won't have hangovers or God knows what." She explained, her grey eyes swiping over to Black*Stars' body. I bowed, "Thank you very much..." My eyes caught sight of her name written in small victorian written. "Ruzi." I smiled sweetly at her. Her eyes lit up, "You're very welcome. Now get, you need sleep!" She smacked our thighs with her wooden cane and we started heading upstairs, dragging the blue-haired with us.

The boys made it back to their rooms as did I. I stripped out of my clothes and slugged on some comfy ones, washing off any extra makeup I had on me from the night and pushed myself under the covers.
Letting the darkness take over me.
"Hi there." A small sweet voice called out to me. I stood in that single light, eyes pacing the never-ending room.
"Hello?" I called out in confusion. A small girl, dressed in white. Lips as red as roses and eyes as bright as the moon. This small girl stood in front of me, smiling wide.
I raised my eyebrows, 'Is this the girl everyone talks about?' I thoughts. As if reading my thoughts she nodded and the area around me became a beautiful lilac sky with bright grass covering the ground. A small metal table and two chairs colored white stood in front of us both. The girl giggles and sat down on the chair, she extended her arm out, "Sit." Her smile was like a cat.

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