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"Hey, guys!" (Y/n) waved her arms towards her friends. We arrived back to the town after a day or so, Soul and Maka stood up from their seats and (y/n) jumped into Maka's arms, hugging her tightly. I took in the scenery around me, a nice cafe with some blooming flowers in front of the table and chairs. A quiet place. I made eye contact with Soul who waved at me, I nodded back.
"You're back!" Maka pulled away from (Y/n). "How was the travel back did anything happen?" She looked over (y/n)'s shoulder, sending a look my way. I shook my head, "It was a safe travel. Now if you excuse me." I turned.
"Kid." (Y/n) called out. I looked at her. "Where are you going?" Everyone's attention was on me.
"To see someone," I replied
I pushed open the large school doors and made my way inside. My footsteps echoed through the empty hallways. Slowly making my way up the stairs towards my fathers' office. I sighed, rubbing the back of my head. I looked up at the large black doors, behind them was my father.
The doors swung open and a strong gust of wind hit me. I stood in front of a long dark hallway, no light was showing. I stepped into the darkness, my hand out in front of me to help me feel around the darkness. "Father?!" I yelled, my voice bounced back at me. 
My foot kicked against something hard. Lights flicked on. My father, a Grim Reaper, laid there face to the ground. 
My body hit the cold tiles, I was gasping for air. On the other side of my fathers body stood a small pale girl, her smile like a cats. 
"Oh poor Grimmy..." Her little porcelain white shoes hitting my fathers side. My eye twitched, "Stop that!" 

Her silver eyes pierced into mine. I fell silent, I felt frozen. This little girl who looked more like a doll had the ability to make me fear her and the atmosphere she had created just by her look alone. "Ahhh~" She cooed, jumping over my father. She small strides towards me felt like she was getting ready to jump at me and all I could do was stare. Her small figure only had to crouch a little to reach eye level with me. "You must be the one (Y/N) wanted to save." My eyes widen. The side of her mouth curled into a smirk. "What a horrible thing that she did, don't you say?" Her eyes flicked to the side, directing my eyes to my father. "Killing your father was her doing, you know." Her silver eyes met mine once more. 
My chest felt deprived of oxygen like my ribs were piercing my lungs, "No. I don't understand. Grim Reapers can't die." 
I watched her eyebrows rise, her eyes wiped over with surprise, "Then explain how you died." My mouth shut, I couldn't bring my throat to push out any words all I could do was look between this girl and my dead father. 

"But how?" I felt myself start to move slowly, my arms and legs dragging myself towards my father. "How indeed" She said, walking besides me. "It could be what I told her to do, pick between two flowers, a black rose which they could of made an elixir to give you which keeps you out of harm, or a red rose," Her silver eyes cut into mine, "which wakes you up  and keeps you from leaving this world again."  She smiled down at me. My hands reached out to my father, touching his cold back. 
"That doesn't explain why my father is dead." I spat, hanging my head. I heard her giggling, her shoes clicked as she made her way to the other side of my father. 
"Well that's where the fun came in." Her words felt like poison. My head shot up, "Fun?! What about this is fun?!" My vision starting to blur with my tears. 
"You see, I didn't tell (Y/N) that picking the red rose would kill your father." Her eyes washed over with a blank expression, her mouth curled into a large smile, "Because I wanted to watch you suffer for what your father has caused me." Her eyebrows farrowed, her expression twisted into rage. I was frozen just watching her kick at my father, screaming, crying. I couldn't move, I couldn't even bring myself to speak. 

"You killed my family!" She spat at him, slamming her small foot into the side of my father. "I was all alone!" I could see the tears flow down her cheeks. The rage and sadness in her silver broken eyes. "I had no one for years!" She screamed, continuing to kick at my father. Then it clicked. 
The massacre. My father told me when I was little, he manage to take down a whole village of witches. I thought he was the coolest and most powerful being ever when he told me. But he told me that a little witch got away and before he caught up with her, she was gone and since she was so little, he let her slid and would go after her when she was older. No wonder he never found her. She's still little. 
I pushed myself up, slowly walking towards this little witch, dragging my feet across the floor. She was blinded with rage to even notice I was behind her. 
"I never even got to say goodbye!" She screamed, landing another kick. 

I leaned down, wrapped my arms around her, "I didn't either." I whispered, feeling the tears leave my eyes. She froze. Then, she cried louder, putting her foot to the ground. Her short black hair tickling my nose. I hugged her tighter. "He killed my whole village." She sobbed through tears, voice cracking. I knelled down, spinning this little witch around, "I'm sorry. I had no idea it was your village that got attacked." Her small pale hands wiped away her tears, the sniffles she made to try and unblock her clogged nose and the way her mouth quivered made me realise that she still was just this little girl. My tears dried, my mind somewhat less foggy now, I looked at her. 
"Was it just for revenge?" My voice stern, my eyes searching hers. She nodded, still chocking on her tears. 
"He killed my family." Her broken eyes moved up to mine, "So I wanted you to feel the way I did when someone took something from you." 
My grip tightened on her shoulders, feeling her bones, the thought of how easily I could break them came to mind. I breathed in, "That was foolish of you." I stood up, staring down at my father. "I'm sorry father. I'll make sure to make you proud." I glanced at the little girl who was shaking, the realisation of death hitting her, she sobbed louder. 

I pressed my temples figuring out where to go with this. I pulled out my phone, dialing the infirmary. I informed them of my fathers death, soon after an announcement blared through the school and towns speakers. 

"Attention, Lord Death has passed. We will be holding a funeral for his passing in the coming days. Please be on alert of new announcements and my Lord Death rest in peace."

The little witch looked at me, tears dried. "You're not going to kill me?" She choked. I smirked, turning to her. 
"Oh no," I leaned forward, "I got something much better in mind." 


Oh wow. I'm back, a sudden burst of writing has appeared and I have risen from my grave. Im determined to finish this once more. Thank you all for being so patience with this series!!!

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