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「Today I observed how you were calmly drawing a bird that settled peacefully in front of you, it seemed that it was insisting you to portray its beauty on a leaf.

The details in color you gave them with those colors that I had left on your desk, everything was so good, until she came... The same girl who placed the pencils and bracelet in your seat approached you, I didn't know about what you talked but suddenly you stopped coloring and your expression of tranquility became disgusting... horror.

You broke that drawing, I bet it was beautiful, and those colors you threw without delicacy.

Those pencils that I bought with so much sacrifice for you. You threw them without mercy and you left.

Tell me, tacheté, is it because I'm a boy? If I was a girl... Would I still disgust you? 」 

 ーA curious Lafayette.

Tell me, tacheté.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu