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Once lunch was over we finished up everything else we had to do that day, including the concert, and headed back to where we were staying. Namjoon-Hyung, Yoongi-Hyung and I didn't say anything to the others about what had happened.

We were leaving the next day to go to the next place so when we got back we made sure our stuff was all packed. I was putting Yoongi-Hyung's little things in my suitcase when he came and sat next to it. Most of the stuff was covered by my clothes, the only thing visible was the ziplock bag in my hand that contained his dummies.

He looked at them before speaking, "If you didn't already, I'm sure by now you know that I used to be- I mean, that I am a little?"

I nodded and put them in the suitcase, him watching as I did so. He bit his lip as I made a bit more room for the small bag, "Um, am I allowed to... to slip... tonight?"

A huge smile made it's way onto my face at his adorable request, "I would be more than happy if you did, Hyung. You don't have to ask permission."

"Then, can I please have one of those?" He reached one arm and pointed to the bag I'd just been holding. So I opened it and let him choose what colour he wanted

He grabbed the blue one before biting his lip, looking at me and changing to pick up the pink one. I was really going to love this little.

I closed the bag and zipped everything up for now, I was basically finished anyway. I stood straight and held out my hand for Yoongi-Hyung to take, he slipped the dummy in his mouth and held my hand. I walked him to the bed and layed under the warm covers with him, "Do you want to talk about rules now or another time?"

"Ruwes? Why I need ruwes?" A soft smile spread across my face at his cute mispronounciation, he was little already.

"Well, if I'm gonna be your caregiver I think there should be rules to follow." His eyes brightened and his dummy almost fell out when he opened his mouth.

"'ae'ae my 'arediver?" His small gummy smile was so cute even with half of it being hidden behind the pink dummy.

"No," His expression changed immediately and he looked ready to cry, "Daddy is your caregiver."

His face went pink and he was smiling once again, "'ae'ae 'addy?"

I nodded and he was almost jumping in his spot, no longer laying down but sitting upright, bouncing ever so slightly.

I smiled and he reached for a notebook and a pencil sat on the bedside table, "Ruwes tan be now, ven!"

I had to help with some of the spelling and I tried to help him hold the pencil properly but in the end I just let him hold it in his fist like he was.

I had to help with some of the spelling and I tried to help him hold the pencil properly but in the end I just let him hold it in his fist like he was

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He looked at it and frowned so I asked him what was wrong and almost swooned over his answer, "Is 'oo messy, I wan it be pitty. My words 'ook yucky 'oo."

"Aw, baby. Don't worry about that, if you want you can make an even prettier version when we get home from tour and we'll put it up too. And also, I think your handwriting is absolutely adorable." I pulled him into my lap and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek and nuzzling into his neck as his whole body scrunched up while he laughed.

I closed the notebook and put it on the bedside table, laying down with my tiny baby on top of me. I pulled the covers over us and he snuggled in close, sucking on his pink dummy. I kissed his head and heard/felt him giggle, "Fank 'ou, 'addy."

Now that was definitely an improvement from the last time I heard something like this, I found it so adorable the way he spoke differently because of the dummy in his mouth making it sound strange.

I'd have to work on figuring out how to understand him more clearly when he had it.



I felt somebody picking me up and it made me not be asleep anymore, I was still sleepy but I was awake now. I opened up my eyes and saw Ta- I saw Daddy.

"Mmmm," He looked at me and kissed my nose, I got all giggly and my face felt warm when he did that. He carried me and opened a door.

"Go back to sleep, baby." I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, sucking on my dumdum. I had a pink dumdum today and I felt pretty, I like pink. It wasn't my favourite colour but it was a very pretty colour and pink things always looked nice.

"What the-"

"Shh!!" I opened my eyes big and saw a boy with a very confused face, he looked like he saw something yucky. Hey, that's the sleeping boy from when I talked to Joonie!

Daddy opened a door and kept walking until we got to the van, he opened it and put me inside next to a boy I didn't know the name of. He buckled my seatbelt and waited for the boy from Joonie's room to get in one of the seats behind me where there was another boy I didn't know. Then Daddy sat next to me in the car.

"Jin-Hyung, what's going on?" The boy in the seat behind me asked the one who was driving.

"First of all, I don't know. Second of all, don't be so rude, Hoseok!" There were a lot of people in this car and I only know Daddy and Joonie. My eyes got wet because I was scared and I know when my eyes are wet it means I cry, I didn't want to do that. Not here, not near these boys.

Daddy saw me gonna cry and made the boys be quiet. This was a very scary car ride and a very scary start to the day.

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