Miu - Smut - Distraction

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I love Miu??? So much??? She's my fave,,, anyways, smut time with the inventor, good luck! Reader is female.
It was just a normal day at Hope's Peak. Nothing out of the ordinary could ever happen... unless you're dating Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor. With her, if something big didn't happen, something was really wrong.

"Gah, where's my wrench!? Ah ha, here it is! Now, where's the fuckin'... oh, here."

Your favorite past time was sitting in the corner of Miu's lab and watching her work, sometimes while doing homework. Well, second favorite, after kissing your beautiful girlfriend. Miu was currently working on a machine that could do your homework  (while you sleep, of course) to present for the practical exams, which were coming up in two months. Being the Ultimate Dancer, you felt that you didn't need to start so early. But Miu, being her perfect self, wanted to make sure it worked well before the exams.


A particularly loud shout, followed by a small explosion, jolted your attention up from your textbook. Miu was coughing and waving her hand in front of her face to dissipate the smoke from her project, which had presumably gone wrong. She growled, then slumped in her chair and pushed her goggles off, looking frustrated. Worried, you get up and lovingly wrapped your arms around her from behind, placing a small kiss on the top of her head.

"What happened, love?"

"The engine won't connect to the first arm," she complained. "If the first one won't connect, then how the hell are the others supposed to!?"

"Shh, shh, it's ok." You kissed her cheek, then walked in front of her, crouched on your feet, and took her gloved hands into your own. "Want me to distract you?" You gave her a sly wink.

Miu grinned. "Of course. What do you have in mind?"

"How about a strip tease to start us off?" You smiled back, then ran your hands up Miu's arms to her shoulders and kissed her. You felt her kiss back, then you pulled away from her lips, already teasing her. You locked eyes, then stood up straight, ready to begin.

First, you found your own beat and swung your hips to said beat. You ran your hand down your sides, showing off your curves, then slid them uder your top on the way back up, slipping it off. You turned, still swinging your hips, and looked over your shoulder coyly, hugging your own body. Miu watched you approvingly, eyes roaming your exposed body. You slowly slid your (pants/ skirt) down, showing off your lace underwear, picked out just for her.

You then sat in Miu's lap, taking her hands and placing them on your body while turning your head and kissing her passionately. Her hands, ungloved during your little dance, hungrily groped your breasts and waist, evidently Miu's favorite parts of your body. As your tongues danced together in the kiss, her hands pushed your bra up, letting your breasts fall. You felt her calloused fingertips pinching your nipples and her soft palms against the underside of your chest, and you moaned into her mouth. She smiled against your lips, then let one hand travel down your body to your underwear, where she snapped the band against your skin, causing you to flinch. You could already feel yourself getting wet.

Once you finally broke apart, you took your bra off all the way, then turned so you were completely facing Miu. You eyes searched her face, identifying all the best parts: Soft cheeks, blue eyes, long lashes, plump lips. Then, your hands traveled around her body to her back and undid the fastenings on her straps, tossing them to the side afterwards. Then, your hands slid under her shirt and pushed it off, revealing her black lace bra.

You then attacked her neck with little kisses and nips, hands groping and feeling her large breasts. Once you got to the base of her neck, you sucked on the skin there, using your teeth occasionally. You unclipped her bra and let it fall off, then teased her hard nipples with your hands, hearing her quietly moaning. You looked up at her face, which you were pleased to see was heavily blushed and her breath panting. You wrapped your arms around her and kissed her, hands quickly moving to her cheeks. Her own hands rested on your hips, nails digging in slightly.

Suddenly, her hands moved to cup your rear and she stood, holding you against her, breast to breast. She stopped kissing you to look over your shoulder, presumably so she didn't trip, as she walked. You couldn't see where you were going, but you felt her shift your weight to a single hand, then heard a clatter of objects fall to the floor, then she carefully set you on the cold metal table. Your back arched away from the cold, but you settled as you grew used to the temperature change. Miu's actions surprised you since she was usually the sub while you were the dominant. Nice change, though.

"Wait here a moment," she told you as she turned towards the wall with drawers built in. You sat up to watch, admiring her bare back. She dug through a few boxes, with an "Ah ha" once she found what she wanted. She turned back to you, and in her hands were a red candle a lighter, a bottle of baby oil, and a blindfold. You blushed as you realized what she was going to do.

Miu put the blindfold over your eyes, kissed you gently, then pushed you down so you were laying on the table again. You heard her flick the lighter, then open the bottle of oil. You felt her hands rubbing the baby oil onto your stomach and breasts, paying extra special attention to your nipples, forcing a small moan from your mouth.

Then, you felt the first drop of wax hit your stomach. You gasped, the heat feeling amazing. Miu trailed a line of wax drops up your stomach, then over one of your breasts, circling around til she got to the nipple. The drop on the nipple felt so good, the extra sensitive skin making the wax feel even hotter and better. She gave the other breast the same treatment, with equal sensations.

Once Miu decided that that was enough, she blew out the candle and wiped the wax and oil off with a towel, pressing a few chaste kisses to your skin. You heard her put the things away, then come back and press her body against your own. Then, her body slide down til she was crouched between your legs. She carefully slid your underwear down your legs, then set your legs apart, presenting yourself to her.

"Are you ready?" Miu asked.

"Mhm," you replied with a nod.

Miu licked up your entrance, then began teasing your clit with her tongue, gently pressing two fingers into you. Once you had gotten used to her, she moved her fingers slowly, then faster, scissoring them and sucking harder on your clit. You whimpered her name softly, then moaned loudly when she added a third finger inside you. Almost as soon as you felt pressure rising in your core, she stopped and removed her fingers.

You whined, then felt something pressing at your entrance. Miu turned the vibrator on, then pushed it deep inside you, causing you to arch your back and gasp. Quickly, she moved it in and out and began rubbing your clit with her thumb. Soon, you felt the pressure rising again, and this time, she didn't stop. You let a string of profanity out under your breath, then when the pressure released, you moaned Miu's name at the top of your lungs, feeling euphoria and seeing stars as you orgasmed. Miu kept the toy and her thumb moving against your sensitive self, and you began writhing as the feeling became unbearable.

"M-Miu, please, n-no more!" You begged.

A second later, she took the toy out and fingers away, letting you catch your breath. When she took the blindfold off of you, you blinked as your eyes adjusted to the sudden light, then focused on your girlfriend's beautiful face. You smiled, then wrapped your arms around her and kissed her. She kissed back, smiling gently. You broke apart, then gazed at each other lovingly for a moment.

"I literally love you so, so much."

"I love you just as much... you're a good distraction."

I! Love! Miu!!! Also remember to wax play responsibly! Thanks for reading ♡

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