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"Kyra. Kyra. Kyra."

I woke up to Will squeezing my hand.

"What's wrong?You ok?" I asked sitting up.

"I'm fine." He chuckled. "Your brother discharged me."

"He's already here? What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"It's 9:00." He said.

"How long have you been up for?" I asked.

"I woke up an hour ago. I didn't want to wake you just yet." He said.

"Well. let's get you home." I stood up.

He sat up and groaned.

"Sore?" I asked with a slight frown.

"Yeah. When patients say they're sore after getting their stomach pumped they aren't kidding." He said.

I gave a sad smile and held on to him as he slowly stood up.

"Do you want me get you a wheelchair?" I asked.

"No, I can walk, slowly, just hold on to me." His stubbornness showed.

"God you're stubborn." I scoffed and put his arm on my shoulder.

"Rude." He muttered.

We slowly walked out of the ER and to my car.

I let him off of me and opened his door.

He held onto the car and slowly moved into the car. I closed it and went to my side and we drove off to his apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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