Welcome Home Kyra

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I have finally been transferred to Chicago. I told no one that I was coming back besides the Intelligence Unit. I headed to med so I could surprise my brother.

I walked into the E.D. looking for Connor.

"Kyra." Someone said behind me.

I turned around and saw Maggie with a smile on her face.

"How you doing mags?"I asked and gave her a hug.

"I'm fine. Why are you in Chicago?"Sje asked.

"I got transferred to Intelligence. I wanted to surprise my brother. Where is he?" I asked.

"He's currently in surgery. I'll notify him once he's done. But Hey Dr Halstead."She said as she looked behind me.

I turned around and saw Will directing his attention to Maggie.

"Look who just got transferred to intelligence."She said.

He directed his attention to me and smiled.

"Kyra Rhodes."He said pulling me into a hug.

"William Halstead." I laughed.

"How are you doing?"He asked leaning against the wall

"I'm great now that I'm in Chicago.How have you been?"I smiled.

I'm great. Gonna go have a nice chat with Jay for not telling me that you got transferred to intelligence."He joked.

I smiled. " I'm heading their next. I wanted to surprise my brother first."

He smiled. "Turn around."

I turned and saw my brother looking at me.

"What's an NYPD Detective doing in a Chicago E.D." He joked.

"Incorrect.What is a CPD detective doing in a Chicago E.D."I corrected him seeing if he would get what I was saying.

He gasped." You got transferred?"

I nodded. "SVU to intelligence."

He pulled me into a hug.

"And you wanted to surprise me?"He asked.

"Yup. Hate to cut this short but I'm needed at the district in 30. See ya later." I pointed at him.

"See ya. I'm buying you dinner. Come over after shift."He said.

I saluted. "Yes sir."

I walked out of the ED and headed to the district.


I walked in and was greeted by Trudy.

"Detective Rhodes. Wonderful to see you again. Welcome back to Chicago." She said with a smile.

"It's good to be back." I said and went up the stairs to the Bullpen.

"Rhodes about time!We need you to interrogate the Bastard. Heres the file. Welcome back to Chicago." Voight said to me.

"Thank you. Jay you're with me." I said reading the file.

"Copy."He said and stood up and headed towards the interrogation room

I over looked the file a few times before I went in.

Suspect : Ricardo Vega
In for murders and sex trafficking

6 women who all work for him have been killed over the past year.

Same Drugs found in all girls (What killed them) (his prescription)

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