fifty - look at that

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Two Weeks Later

I lay back against the soft pillows in my and Ethan's bed, wincing in pain as he so very nicely cleans up my nearly healed gunshot wounds on my stomach. My abdomen area still hurts a lot, but it's bearable at the same time. I'm just grateful to be alive.

"I'm sorry, I just want to be thorough and make sure these holes are properly cleaned. I don't want you to get any type of infections, okay?" Ethan looks up from his concentration on my stomach, giving me the most gorgeous smile I have ever seen.

"Yeah." I lightly groan, but give him a nice smile just as he had given to me.

"I love you." He looks at me once more, before turning back to cleaning up my wounds the rest of the way.

"I love you too, E." I reach my hand forward to run my hand through his soft hair.

I don't get a verbal reply from him, although I do get a sweet chaste kiss placed on a part of my stomach that isn't wounded and in pain. He's so very sweet to me; I love this man with all of my heart. I just can't see me living my life without him in it.

He has to be right by my side.

"I have a surprise for you." He kissed me once more, pulling us up from our seat.

"Uh Ethan wher—"

He shushes me, pulling us through the hallway, past the staircase. I kept asking where we were going, but he wouldn't tell me at all. He just kept saying it was a nice present for me.

We get to the back door of our house, and Ethan smiles widely at me. "What did you do weirdo? You're making me nervous." I look into his eyes.

"Stop asking, you almost made me tell you. Just relax and let me lead the way. Oh, I almost forgot. Do you have to go to the bathroom by any chance?" That question made me even more on the edge.

"No I don't... I already went. Eth—"

He interlocks our fingers, pulling me out the back door to our backyard. "We have to speed up just a little more." I hesitantly nod, letting him lead his way to somewhere I don't know.

About three minutes passed of Ethan pulling me along the grass of his huge property. Finally getting to where we were going, I hear a loud noise— along with lots of air being blown over the place. I look up, to see a helicopter in front of me... in our backyard. Widening my eyes, I turn to face a smirking Ethan. I open my mouth to say something— anything. But nothing comes out, which makes Ethan and the pilot laugh.

"So I know you're injured, and shouldn't be flying... but I want to show you something special. We'll only be in the air, for an hour to two hours tops." Kissing my cheek, he gently pulls me to the private helicopter.

"Wow, babe." I step inside, taking a seat, looking around in pure bewilderedness. We get situated into our seat belts, getting basic instructions from the pilot. The directions weren't that hard to get, just basic knowledge of not touching any of the buttons in the plane. Ethan. And not move too much, or freak out if there should be a problem. Me.

Before we knew it, we were in the air flying high above in the blue filled sky. It was literally such an amazing sight to see. Our mansion is huge from up high. I never knew Ethan had so many acres of land. There was so much, I didn't know some belonged to him.

"Best parts coming." Ethan giggles, adjusting his headphones on his ears.
We held hands the whole way to wherever we were going. "Look Jas, isn't that really cool, see it?" Ethan pointed to something in my window.

"What are you talking about E, all I see is grass and more grass."

He oh so cutely snickered. "You don't see that over there baby." He pointed to my window again, at this point I was aware we've stopped.

"Uh Ethan, either I need to put on my glasses, or you're loosing your mind and your eyesight." I along with Ethan and the pilot laughed.

"Come on let's go see it up close, yeah?"

I nod excitedly, waiting for Ethan to get out.

As soon as he got out of the helicopter, he helped me out as well. "Be careful now, we are on top of a huge building." Squealing, I clutch onto his muscular body.

"Babe what's that, what's that? Look down there, look!" He gasps loudly, pointing to an open grassy field.

I turn to see what he was referring to.
I leave his side, walking to the edge of the building. The edge to me, is no where near it. I reluctantly look down at the freshly cut green grass, almost immediately begin to let tears fall down my face.

The grass was cut to say 'Will You Marry Me?'

Turning around I see Ethan on one knee, holding open a velvet box with my ring inside. It seemed to have more detail and diamonds added to it. It just looks bigger. He knows I hate elaborate things, but he still gets me them.

"Jasmine," I scurry over to his beautiful presence, standing right in front of him. "Baby, I love you with all of my heart. We've been through so much together, as well as having our unfortunate ups and downs. But that still didn't stop the love we have for each other. I just want to marry you already, because I can't go another day without calling you my wife." He pauses, taking a deep breath. I could tell he was very nervous.

"Sorry." He shakes his head, clearly his throat.

"That's okay, keep on going Mr. Dolan."

He chuckles, getting back to were he was.

"Jasmine Elle Woods, I want to dream what you dream. Go where you're going, I only have one life, and I only want to live it with you. Would you do me the honor of being my wife? Being Mrs. Dolan?" I cry in my hands, staring at him on his knees.


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