forty nine - bad news

Start from the beginning

"No!" She whisper yells, grabbing ahold of my hand tighter than before. "I could never blame you for what happened to me, or to the others. You saved us all, Ethan. I'm proud of you, you're my hero." I notice she bites back a cry, quickly looking away as she drops our twined hands to wipe at her face. 

"Babe, you're crying. Why are you crying? Please tell me. Please." I stand up from my chair, and gently take a seat next to her on the edge of her bed.

"I'm sorry." She turns around to look at me with watery sad eyes. As she says an apology I don't know what for, my brain begins to wonder what she actually is sorry about. Have she snitched me out for taking out a few people? Am I being set up again?

NO! My Jas wouldn't do that to me– to our family. I guess I a displayed a face of nervousness, because she placed a shaky hand to my face and strokes my cheek lightly. 

"Did you deceive me too?" I mumble as I look down at my hands.

"I would never, but in a way I feel as if I let you down." Her voice is weak, and solemn filled. 

"What's going on, Jas? I'mconfused, just tell me what's bothering you babe."

She softly smiles at my pet name, but it doesn't reach her eyes as it would usually do. "I um, I found out I was pregnant," she frowns through her tears, as she looks down at her hands punctured with IV lines. "But I lost it– I lost the baby." She then looks up to me with tears streaming down her eyes. "I'm so sorry." Then just like that, she begins to cry into her hands in hysterics.

"What? Y-you were pregnant? I don't understand, you didn't say anything. I wouldn't have let you come back with me. I-I don't know– oh my gosh." I ramble on, not making any type of sense. 

I lightly get off of the bed, and hop over to my baby, giving her a light but firm hug. She immediately responds back, giving me a light hug back as she continues to cry. I try my very hardest to calm her down, not wanting her to cry any longer. I absolutely hate when I see the woman I love cry. I can't stand it at all. 

"Shhh, it's okay. It's okay." I talk with empathy in my tone, wanting her to know it is okay.

"No it's not. I got our baby killed, Ethan." She snaps, tears streaming down her face. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant, Jas? How did you even get pregnant? The last time we had sex was your birthday, and I pulled out each time." I wipe away her tears, taking my previous seat next to her on the bed.

"I didn't know I was pregnant. I was as shocked as you were when they told me. But I knew something was wrong when my nurse gave me a sad look, before telling me I had a miscarriage. She says I was around three weeks or so, and that the baby came out on the operating table." She almost speaks robotically, as she stares into space. 

"Baby if I would've known, your ass wouldn't have stepped foot back inside that house. I don't understand all of this. Don't women miss their period when they are pregnant? You should have missed yours." I try to wrap my brain around Jas miscarrying, but everything is still not making any sense to me.

"I know, but I didn't know I was pregnant. I had no type of symptoms at all. I still had my freaking period." She sniffles, wiping at her eyes. 

"Damn it! I cannot believe this; you were pregnant with my kid. Fucking shit! I hope those shitheads are burning in hell already." Growing frustrated, I tug at the ends of my hair.

"Calm down. I know you're  sad, trust me I am too. But as of right now, we have to focus on healing up and taking care of everything have going on. That right there is what needs to be done. Yes, we are extremely sad, but life still goes on, E." Jasmine breaks the sad truth to me, but she is right. We already have priorities and responsibilities with our everyday life. 

"I'm just shocked, sad, and angry all at the same time. But you're right, baby, you're right. I am just so happy you are alright, and I love you so much." I lean over to kiss her, as she too kisses me back.

"I love you too, Ethan. Nothing in this world could ever tear us apart. It's you and me forever." She mumbles against our closely touching lips, as I look at her and nod.

"It will always be you and me forever, Jas." I add on, getting a soft smile from her. I am still sad about her losing our baby though. 

As the day moved along, I stayed by Jas' side the entire time. Keeping her company, helping her out with anything she needed– which was not much of anything really. All having to do with her not wanting me to strain my leg.

She's so nice, but little does she know I would do anything and everything for her. If she wanted me to kiss her dirty feet I would. If she wanted me to kill someone for her I would– I did. Even if she wanted me walk to the end of the earth for her, I definitely would.

I submit to her, and only her. 

Later on that afternoon we got a visit from our family and friends. I am so happy they decided to come visit Jas, because that made her smile so brightly. It felt good being surrounded by people who care and love us, just as much as we love them. 

Everything seems to be moving forward now, and I hope it stays this way. I like having my family and friends surrounded around me; it's a damn good feeling. A feeling I would hate to get rid of.

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