41. It's not mine

Start from the beginning

I stared at her. "You done?"

She looked at me. "What?"

"Are you done assuming shit about me?"

She rolled her eyes. "I can't just go talk to a therapist... they run their mouths too much." She chuckled. "Me and Keith tried to go talk to someone before when I was pregnant. They didn't work obviously."

I looked at my shoes and then over at Kacey who was sleeping in the chair still. "Where are you moving too?" I changed the conversation.

"New Jersey with my grandparents." She started crying again and covered her face. I squinted my eyes at her. What the hell is she crying for now...

"Maybe it's for the best. You probably can find someone out there and possibly get married and start a career or something."

She sniffed and looked at me. "Why are you being nice to me? I thought you were a stuck up, rich bitch that just wanted to take Keith from me."

I chuckled, "I didn't know you existed until I met Keith & you werent even dating him anymore."

She shrugged. "Right."

"You should get some rest before you hit the road." I walked away and went into Keith room. Keith was sleeping on his stomach. I took off my shoes and crawled in the bed with him.

"Where did you go?"

I looked back and saw him looking at me. "I got hungry."

"Mm." He closed his eyes. I stared at him for a second and layed back.

The next morning,


"Breakfast in bed?" I walked in the room handing Ryan a plate of food.

"Thank you." She flashed a smile and picked up the fork.

"You sleep good?" I picked up my plate and began to eat.

"Mhm." She ate and watched tv.

"So.... Kourtny and Kacey is gone."

"You gonna be sad." She smiled looking at me.

I shrugged. "It was time... your mom made me realize it was just hard for me to let go."

"My mom?" She made a face.

"Yup." I ate some eggs. "Momma Ro' told me to get my shit together." She stared at me and I tried my best to avoid eye contact. "What?"

"When was this?"

"The day I spent with her.. I told her all that I put you thru & I apologized to her too."

She sighed, "You two don't like...still keep in contact do you?"

"Every three days we see how eachother is doing." I smiled at Ryan. She punched my side. "Ah."

"Whyyy Keith... she's corny and old, she don't need to be in our business."

I laughed. "I think she's cool."

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